School Reunion-9

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Kiyo POV

I was in the washroom when I heard the announcement.

"The first winner of the night is Miss Shiina Hiyori!"

She finally came.My heart started beating faster.I never loved her romantically.I loved her as my closest friend because before I knew it,I was regularly going to the library to meet her and read books after school.

I felt at ease around her.Like I could be myself and she won't mind.

I exited as fast as I could and looked frantically.This was one of those times I wasn't calm.I don't know why exactly but the prospect of seeing her again after 3 years made me excited.

Then,I caught her going in the direction of mom.She must have sensed my gaze so she turned to look in my direction.

For a moment,I just stood there trying to burn this scene into my memories.She still had her dignified demeanor but even she looked uneasy.Like even she didn't know how to respond to this situation.

Before I knew,I was moving involuntarily towards her.

I am a man of logic.All my actions were based on probabilities but right now none of it mattered.

There was a chance she wouldn't welcome me.

There was a chance that in these 3 years she had decided to cut off our friendship.

But if our high school was the only thing keeping us friends then maybe our friendship was just too shallow to begin with.

It doesn't matter now.

I just want her to know that I am more than happy to see her again.

In these few moments,I understood how much I had hurt Sato.By lying and hiding my own relationship,by telling her I am gay,I always stopped her from conveying her feelings.I had to amend my mistakes.Kei knew I was wrong but she wanted me to understand it myself.

When I closed our gap,I embraced her tightly.Then I let her go and smiled.

We both then walked to a table for two and ordered some light food.I wasn't particularly hungry and neither did she seem to be.

"Kiyotaka-kun,I am sorry for being this late for the party."

"Let me guess,you were lost in a book?"

She seemed a bit surprised.

"Looks like I hit the mark."

"Then to return the favor,Let me congratulate you on your marriage.I am so happy for you two."

How did she know?Did someone tell her.Anyways,I decided not to press any further.

"Thank you very much.By the way I heard you were engaged to the president of Akashic Group."

"Umm..How did you know?"

"Well,he is my underling.Of course,I would know these details.Give him my regards"

"I never knew Akashic group had someone above them."

"As you probably know my moduli operandi,Ayanokoji group operates from the shadows and so there is no mention of us in the records."

"Are you sure Kiyotaka telling me these details?These seem to be classified info."

"The least I can do is trust my best friend."


Yes,I had decided to trust my friends.

They may be a few but they always trusted my words.However,I never trusted anyone.

This was my first step.I WILL TRUST THEM.

Hiyori knew exactly what was going through my head right now.She smiled and asked,

"By the way,what is this competition about?"

I told her everything that happened today before she arrived.We chatted for about 20 minutes about our everyday lives.She just wanted a peaceful life and read books.She spent time at her mansion and didn't want a job at present.


I remembered something.I took out my phone and sent her a message.

She looked at her phone and then looked towards me.

"This is lifetime access to our family library.It has any book you would ever care to read."

Actually,initially it was the library of white room but after it's closure 2 years ago(SPOILERS!) it was turned into our family library and many other genre books were brought here.Also,the whole room was renovated from being pure white to the most library-like and comfortable environment you could find.

"But it is attached to our house.So it may be a bit far for you."

"No,thank you very much.This is more than I could ever ask for.But-"

"You don't like this prize?"I asked somewhat nervously.

"No but the thing is..can I ask you for something selfish?"

I was waiting for this.I knew exactly what she would say.She was clearly not her usual self now.

"But before that,I want to request you something."I cut her off before she could say anything.

"Can you come to our place on weekends?I want to read books with you just like the old times."I said bluntly.

Her eyes grew wide because she intended to ask the same thing.

She leaned near my face and whispered,


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