School Reunion-7

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As we ascended,the 4th floor went by.

"Isn't the restaurant on the 4th floor?"Hirata raised his concern.

"Yes, but there is another restaurant here."I answered him.

"But in the manual,I never saw two of them?"

"Don't worry,Hirata kun.Most people don't know about the other one."Kei suppressed his curiosity.

Finally, we reached the 48th floor.However ,Hirata's anxiety was justified.After all in the elevator itself the buttons only showed 47 floors.

The doors opened.

We entered an exclusive closed roof top restaurant.Except us and the waiters,noone else was present.

"Everyone,this is an exclusive restaurant with many other amenities covering the entire floor.Tonight,It's only for us!"Kei explained enthusiastically.

My mom gave me a gentle gaze.This was my cue.

I stepped forward,

"Today,all expenses are on me.Enjoy all you can!"

This was the least I could do to gain their trust back.Even I felt guilty for lying to my friends.


Yes,when did I start seeing them from tools to friends?

I never realised this change until today.There was just one person who influenced and changed me the most.

The woman I love the most,My wife,

Ayanokoji Kei.

I motioned a waiter standing and told him if anyone else comes,escort them as guests to this place and ask the people staying in the room under the name 'Ryuuen Kakeru' to join us here.

Otherwise they would miss out all the fun.

"Hey ayanokoji,Are you sure?This place looks really expensive."

Everyone nodded their heads in unison.

"Don't worry guys.Enjoy all you want today without any restraints."Kei answered them cheerfully.

However they were still hesistant,which was natural.

Thankfully my sister came to the rescue.

"Ahh senpais-You all are no fun!"She clapped her hands and the music system started.Then all the waiters started bringing cocktails,juices,starters,wines and many other varieties.She took one glass and gulped it in an instant.

"Now let's have a competition.Throughout this floor,your student Id's of your high school have been hidden.The top 3 people who find their ID the fastest will be given special prizes.However,There is a catch.You must eat,drink,play an arcade game or utilise any facility on this floor every 15 minutes."

Woah,this came out of nowhere.

"Wait,how did you get our student ID's anyways?"Shinohara asked.

I could clearly see some of them having thoughts like,

'How much authority and influence does Ayanokoji family have?'

Now this felt less like a reunion and more like a special exam.But this would at least make everyone less hesitant and my guess is by the end of this,everyone will start enjoying to their fullest.Way to go,Ichika!

"Oh senpai,let's not sweat the small details."

Apparently everyone decided to settle down.

"So without further ado,let's begin!"

Everyone scattered in search of their ID.Every once in a while,they would eat,drink etc but I could see that everyone was actually enjoying themselves.

I sat down beside my mom who was looking over the game with a warm smile.

"Mom,why are you so happy?"I asked straightforwardly

She took my hand and said,

"Kiyo,People learn of warmth when they touch each other, and that's a very precious thing. The warmth of another human is by no means a bad thing."

Just one sentence and then we fell silent.

Arisu Sakanayagi too told me the same thing after our chess battle.This was the very reason I had confessed to Kei during the following break.

Not because I understood what she meant.

Rather,To understand what she meant.

Her silence explained it all.The answer I had been searching until now.

The answer to becoming human.

Kei was my textbook of love,slowly turning into an indispensible existence for me.

Slowly I had understood this emotion called love.

An emotion that surpasses all logic.It may be illogical.It may even be impossible.But as long as there's hope,however small,it can connect hearts of people.

For the first time in my life,I let out a natural smile.

A/N:I changed the number of people getting the prizes from 10 to 3 for plot convenience of upcoming chapters.

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