Really? for fuck's sake

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After Ace was knocked out it took him a few minutes to get back up again, and when he did he sore Simmons still knocked out so Ace decided to shake him awake witch took longer then necessary.

After Ace had woke Simmons up they both decided to check up on the rest of red team. And after everything that had happened the situation they were in, it was nothing but pure chaos. Grif was hung over Sarges body, Donut was still on top of red base still not moving and Lopez was some where.

After a few minutes Ace found Grif and Simmons near Sarges body.

Ace: What are you too doing?

Simmons: Grif is given Sarge CPR.

Ace: Why?

Simmons: I don't know it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Ace: ..... You what fuck it let's try it.

Grif: Sarge! Don't you give up on me, soldier, do you hear me? I'm ordering you!

Grif was beating Sarges body with a but of a rifle. 'Is that insensitive? Ah who cares?' Ace thought.

Grif: You gotta breath, man! You gotta pull through! Come on, Sarge!

Simmons: Grif, this isn't working. We have to try something else.

Ace: If you suggest mouth to mouth i'm leaving.

Simmons: Maybe you should give him mouth to mouth.

Ace: Fuck this i need to call command.

Ace ran inside of red base.


After Ace had called in a air lift for Donut he watched it fly away. It got smaller and smaller until it disappeared. 'You know ill kinda miss him' Ace thought as he walked into red base heading towards the barracks. As he was walking Ace head Sarge and Grif arguing about something about not being the correct procedure but Ace didn't care anymore he just wanted to sleep, Witch he did.


After a couple days Dount had made a swift recovery and was back at red base. Ace, Simmons, Donut and Grif stood on the roof of red base.

Donut: Dude, this is sweet! Command was so happy that i got the Blue flag, they gave me my own colour armor!

The three reds looked at each other.

Grif: Uh... Hey, Donut?

Donut: What?

Simmons: Um... About your armor

Donut: What about it?

Simmons: How do i put this... Your armor is, um... it's a little, um... Do you guys, wanna help me out here?

Ace: It's kinda...

   Grif: It's pink. Your armor is frickin' pink!

Simmons: Yeah, that's it. Pink.

Ace: Did you pick up the wrong suit? Maybe there's a girl somewhere looking for her pink armour.

Donut: Pink? My armour's not pink!

Grif: PINK.

Simmons: Yeah, defiantly pink.

Ace just nodded.

Donut: You guys are colour blind. Why would they give me pink armor?

Grif: hey, don't ask, don't tell.

Ace's bullshit story in blood gulchWhere stories live. Discover now