The start before the start

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(Ace's POV)

A spaceship flying god knows where, there I was. It's funny, I joined the air forse because all i wanted to do was be a pilot. It was going well. I did well in the flight sim, and i scored high in my tests i was on my way to activin my dream. But the day i had a test flight in longsword with some guy i was sure cheated his way through flight school was when everything turned to shit because he accidently dropped the ship entire payload on the UNSC camp and blamed it on me. ME! Now here i am being sent to some planet in the middle of bumfuck no where.


(No one's POV)

'I thought i sighed up to fight Aliens for the UNSC what army is this. Stupid master chief blowing up the covenant armada' he thought

Ace was standing there staring up at a insignia that was on the wall it had three lines all looking like L's going in different directions. He would of continued standing there doing fuck all but he heard foot steps behind him getting closer he rolled his eyes and turned around and he sore a man he was around the same height of the crimson man but he was skinny and kind of curvy at the same time. He wore the standard issue red armor and was looking at him kinda like a lost puppy.

"Emmm are you Ace?" He asked Ace noticed he looked him up and down for some reason. Ace was skinny but not too skinny he didn't have much muscle ether so why was he looking him up and down?

"Yeah and you are?" He responded just starting at his gold visor almost like starting into his eyes.

"Phew i thought i never find you i looked in hanger 1 and hanger 2 the bridge the crews quarters the toli-"

"OK i get it. Jesus. Who are you?"

"O my name is Franklin Delano Donut i'm ready to fight some Aliens i heard we are going down to the planet together i can't wait to blow them wide open let me tell you those Aliens are going have a sticky mess on there hands when i'm done with them" He said with weird enthusiasm.

Ace look at him confused.

"What the fuck did you just say"

"You know killing Aliens with hot lead. Bullets. Errr-."

"OK i got it. Are we going now?"

"O yeah the captain said to find you and said." He cleared his thought and did a very shitty Australian accent. "Go and find Ace and get on the god dam ship sim trouper you are driving me insane mate." He then switched back to his normal voice. "He didn't say mate at the end but he sounded like he was in a hurry and he said that something about something about theirs two of them. Two of what? Anyway yeah i think we need to go."

Ace look at him in disbelief like from the short time he had know him he had figured out he was incredibly annoying.

'Is this guy for real' sigh 'This was going to be a long day.' Ace thought

"OK lets go then" Ace said with little enthusiasm. He started to walk to the ship behind him that had the words "red army" on it which was weird because next to it there was another ship that said "Blue army."

'What kind of shit have i got myself into'

As Ace was walking he turned around and noticed that Donut was walking in the wrong direction.

"DONUT THAT'S THE WRONG WAY" Ace's yells could be heard through out the hanger a few people look at him confused for a few seconds then went back to whatever they where doing. He could hearer a distinct huh that came from the red moron.

Donut turned around and yelled back  "O RIGHT SORRY JUST GOT TURNED AROUND THATS ALL" He started run towards Ace.

After Donut had court up he walked in the ship Ace muttered a quiet dumb ass while shaking his head and walked into ship that was ready to take off.


(????? POV)

Meanwhile across the hanger two white armoured soldiers was staring at the two red soldiers.

The one on the right said.

"Are those the new sim troupers?"

"Yeah."  The one the left said.

"What a couple of dumb cunts" the right one said.

The one on the left let out a short laugh and said "yeah........hey Dan."

"Yeah Jim."

"You ever wonder why we are here?"


Ace's bullshit story in blood gulchWhere stories live. Discover now