Year 4: Chapter 8

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Willow picked her way along the edge of the Forbidden Forest, following the trail of Bantam Bursts. Her heart pounded like a drum. What would she find at the end of this trail? Would it make her happy, or would her emotions ceaselessly confuse her like they had before? Another, even more frightening thought occurred to her as she turned left into the trees: what if George and Paige both turned out to be not right for her? She didn't want to disappoint either one! They were her friends, and she wanted to be happy with at least one of them!

The path wound through a patch of brambles, then suddenly, it stopped in a small clearing. Willow waited for the fireworks, but they had completely run out. She waited in nervous anticipation. She found herself rubbing her hands together for no particular reason. What was taking them so long? Was this another prank?

Then, without warning, a sequential array of fireworks burst out of the undergrowth. It took Willow a moment to recover from the shock. When her heart finally settled, she realized the fireworks were individual letters, and they were spelling out a message in green lettering. Willow's heart skipped several beats when it was complete:

Yule Ball? It's up to you.

George and Paige stepped out of the bushes, shy grins on their faces. Willow confusedly stared back and forth between the two.

"What do you mean, 'It's up to you'?" she asked.

"Well, we know you're into either one of us," George began.

"And we obviously fancy you," Paige added.

"So we decided instead of fighting over you, we'd come to a truce and leave the decision up to you."

"Because at the end of the day, it really is whatever makes you happiest," Paige said. "We can't make you love either one of us more than the other; that's something that has to come from you."

"So here's both of our proposals, Willow: tell us which one of us you want to go with — "

" — and we'll be happy for you either way."

Willow gaped at them, absolutely stunned. She'd expected a challenge, or an outright question of "Which one of us do you really love?", or even George and Paige fighting it out on who got to ask her. She never in a million years would have expected this.

That's very mature of them, Cebba noted. Are you sure you can't have both of them?

I'm not polyamorous! Willow shouted. And you're not helping very much, Cebba!

I can't help you on this one, Willow. I don't know what you feel, only what you see.

Willow internally grimaced. She shuffled her feet uncomfortably. Paige and George watched her patiently, not a hint of anger in their faces. They truly wanted this. They were fine, no matter what outcome this would happen to be. They were just happy to be Willow's friends, and she recognized that, but it didn't make her feel any better. She was relieved to know that they would all go on being friends, but terrified that it had all come down to her.

How am I supposed to make a decision when I don't know what I'm feeling in the first place! Willow screeched.

She bit her lip in thought. She'd known George for slightly longer. He was one of the first to welcome her into the Weasley family, and the first to teach her the art of pranking. He had been nothing but kind to her, and he rivaled most other Gryffindors in his courage to be himself. George was the epitome of fun. He was a genius when it came to Charms, yet an absolute horror show when it came to History of Magic. Willow recalled many gruelling tutoring sessions that resulted in them going off and pranking Snape instead. She'd had so much fun with him!

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