Summer of Year 3: Chapter 3

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Willow's feet pounded down the path. Paige was a really fast walker when she decided to be. Willow ended up transforming into a mountain goat to keep up with the older girl, hopping from boulder to boulder with surprising agility. Paige didn't seem too impressed, however.

"Chasing after me as a goat isn't exactly attractive," she growled.

Willow finally caught up to her and transformed back into herself. "Yeah, I know, but it's a little unexpected, just like what Miremba did," she started. "I don't know what just happened, but im pretty sure she wasn't into me, Paige."

"Oh really? Well, being the incredibly observant person you are, you totally noticed the way she was looking at you. I didn't miss it."

"What- Paige, I didn't even know!" Willow exclaimed.

"How could you not see it?" Paige mirthlessly chuckled. "You were probably too excited she was talking to you to notice. I was stupid to think I had a chance in the first place."

"Paige, if I didn't notice, how could I possibly fancy her?" Willow pointed out. "I was literally stammering! I don't do that in front of attractive people."

Paige looked at her. "That...literally makes no sense."

"I know! I'm really, really weird! It makes as little sense as me fancying someone after talking to them for five minutes!"

"You would be surprised. It happens all the time."

"Paige- ugh, how do I get my point across without sounding like an idiot? I'm not into Miremba! She's simply curious about London, so I'm helping her learn about it. It's no different than Hermione and I exchanging Muggle and wizarding news."

"So you think. You couldn't even tell that George fancied you for a year when it was literally right under your nose."

"Paige! How many times can I tell you that I don't fancy her before you believe me?"

Paige stared at Willow. "Well, seeing as you've told me over and over and I still don't believe you, you've got a long way to go."

Willow stood directly in front of Paige to stop her. "Look, I don't know why talking to someone else for five minutes is such a big deal. Just because I'm bi doesn't mean I like every human being I see. You of all people know that too well- uh, with girls, at least."

Paige at first appeared as if she was going to explode, then her expression softened. She sighed. "Fine. You're right. But I still don't believe you."

"What is it going to take for you to actually believe me?"

Paige crossed her arms. "The only way I can know for sure- admit that you fancy someone, and tell me who it is, for God's sake!"

"But...Paige, I don't know if I- "

"Save it. I know you're going to try and say you don't know. You do fancy someone, and deep down, you know it. Cut the crap. Just tell me, and I'll get off your back."

Willow's stomach dropped. Her throat went dry. She thought her hammering heart was going to bust through her ribs. "I...fine. But- oh, for Merlin's sake, don't go insane or react crazy." She noticed something out of the corner of her eye. "And Dad, you and everyone else can go on ahead and stop eavesdropping now. I'm sure you'll hear all about it later. Oliver can stay."

Tío Cisco groaned as Carlos begrudgingly put his camera away. "Teenagers and their dumb privacy! What fun is that?"

"Brother, I think we can leave Willow alone for once in her life," Tío Leonel chuckled. He winked at her. "Besides, we'll have plenty of opportunities to make fun of them at their wedding."

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