Year 1: Chapter 13

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Willow woke up early the next morning, the sunlight washing her face in bright light. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stretched her slightly sore neck. It was yet another beautiful spring morning. She was about to stand up when she was shoved off of her chair. When she looked up from the floor, Draco was smirking at her, having been awake for a while.

"Sorry, I had Gryffindor on me."

"Ew, I'm glad you threw me onto the floor, I have gross Slytherin on me," Willow shot back playfully.

Madam Pomfrey appeared moments later, opening the doors to the hospital wing and putting up all the nighttime curtains. Neville sleepily whined that it was too bright and buried his head under his pillow. Willow giggled and rose to her feet, crossing the room to where Neville was trying to fall back asleep.

"Come on, Neville, get up," she urged. "You're wasting the day away!"

"Says who?" he asked, his voice muffled.

"Says the person who loves mornings. Come on, everyone's going to want to see you!"

"They can wait..."

"Nope! I won't allow it. You're going back to the common room with me. Right, Madam Pomfrey?"

Pomfrey paused for a moment, staring at Neville's head, then replied "Oh, I suppose so. You probably won't let me keep him anyway. But Draco's staying here. A hard hit to the chest could cause some damage."

"What!" Draco exclaimed.

Willow almost threw up in her mouth. That was her fault. She distracted herself by encouraging Neville to get out of bed, devoting her attention to getting the boy back to the common room. When Neville was finally ready to go, Willow made a quick stop by Draco.

"Don't you dare try to escape, or I won't help you like I promised," she warned him. Draco folded his arms and pouted.

"Fine. But I'm not making any promises that you'll be totally safe for the next few days."

"Is that a threat?" Willow asked raising her eyebrows.

"Only if you make it one."

Feigning innocence, Willow waved goodbye light-heartedly and skipped out of the hospital wing, Neville in tow. She was happier than she had been in a long time. With the weight of her strained friendship off her chest, Willow felt lighter and freer than when she was flying on a broomstick. Neville started fully regaining consciousness by the time they reached the Gryffindor Tower. He was back to his usual shy, friendly self. Of course, the moment they stepped into the common room, Neville smartly avoided the bombardment of first-years that nearly threw Willow into the wall.



"We missed you last night!"

"I'm not coming back from the dead, guys, really, it's okay," Willow chuckled. "I slept in the hospital wing last night."

Lavender gasped. "You slept with Malfoy?!"

"Oh my God!" Mia exclaimed. "You didn't!"

Willow couldn't believe her roommates. "Guys, not like that! I was too tired to come back to the common room last night, so I just stayed and fell asleep in the chair next to him."

"Sure," Fay drawled. "I'm sure that's what happened."

"Next time give us a little warning," Parvati giggled.

Willow groaned. "You guys. I. Did. Not. Do. That. I will never do that with anyone, let alone Malfoy. He's my friend, and only my friend. Nothing more, nothing less."

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