Year 1: Chapter 2

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Willow woke up around seven o'clock that evening. She sat up, stretching her stiff legs. Her father was laying in the bed next to her, out like a light. Careful not to wake him, she tiptoed past his bed and shut the door noiselessly.

Willow found her way down the stairs and into the Weasley's living room. Molly, Arthur, and the twins were seated at the kitchen table adjacent to it, along with several other redheaded children that Willow had not seen yet.

"Willow!" Molly exclaimed. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley," Willow replied shyly. "Thank you very much."

"Oh, don't thank me, dear. You've been through a lot today."

"Come join us, Willow!" Arthur invited. "We were just talking about the new school year coming up!"

Willow accepted gratefully and joined the family. She took a seat between a girl and a boy similar in age.

"Hi!" the girl greeted cheerfully. "I'm Ginny!"

"I'm Ron," the boy next to her added awkwardly.

Willow laughed. "It's nice to meet you both."

"You hear that, Ronniekins?" Fred asked.

"It's 'nice to meet you'," George teased.

"Boys! Stop it!" Molly scolded.

Fred and George snickered from across the table while Ron reddened.

"Alright, where were we then...Ah, yes! Did you get all of your things at Diagon Alley yet, Willow?" Arthur inquired.

"I did just yesterday, actually."

"Ron still needs to get a few things from his list, so we may go some time this week," Arthur said.

"Can we all go?" Ginny burst out.

"Yes, Ginny, we always go as a family," Ron groaned.

"I thought Diagon Alley was quite lovely," Willow remarked. "Since I was so unaware of most magic, it was amazing to finally find out more about it. I even met Harry Potter in Flourish and Blotts."

Arthur did a double take. "The Harry Potter?"

"Bloody hell, how did you get that lucky?" Fred asked.

"Fred!" Molly snapped.

"Sorry Mum."

"I still don't understand quite who he is, and I'm afraid he doesn't know his own backstory, either," Willow admitted.

"You don't know the story?" Ron gasped, incredulous.

"Well, we can exchange stories later tonight," Mrs. Weasley said. "For now, would you mind telling Willow here a bit more about Hogwarts, Fred? George?"

"Gladly," the twins said in unison. Willow sensed mischief in their voices.

"For one thing, you better watch out for those prefects," Fred began.

"Yes, they can be dreadful at times," George agreed.

"I'm right here, you dimwits!" an older boy complained. "I'm Percy, by the way, and I'm going to be a prefect next year. You don't need to watch out for us, unlike these two. Us prefects are supposed to help you, and we keep grievances within our Houses so that the professors don't have to deal with every little problem students like Fred and George cause."

"Why do you always use us as an example?" George whined.

"That's because you two are always causing trouble!" Ginny interrupted.

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