Year 4: Chapter 12

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Willow thought it was the end.

She was swimming in darkness for the longest time. Her mind just wouldn't cooperate, wouldn't focus on anything. She wanted to wake up, but it was like her brain was fighting to drag her back into the peaceful darkness of sleep. Willow knew she had to wake up. She had to, not just for her own safety, but for the conscience of her girlfriend, too. Paige was probably out there right now, Professor Dumbledore in tow, waiting for her to run out of the woods.

WAKE UP! Willow screamed into the abyss.

Finally, the abyss responded.

Willow gasped awake. At first, she panicked, because she couldn't see anything, then she realized it was pitch black outside. Night had fallen. The waning crescent barely shone enough light through the canopy to reach her. It was enough, though, that when she frantically looked for the murderous man and Mr. Crouch, she knew they were gone. The trail had gone cold.

Without warning, Willow's chest burned like her shirt was on fire. She desperately grasped at the source, only to cry out in shock when it burnt her hand. Willow winced as she mustered the courage to just grab the thing and tear it off. It hurt like hell, but she finally managed to get it off, and relief flooded the now-raw skin.

What the hell...?

Willow looked down, and in the dim lighting, she discerned her locket, sizzling like a hot coal on the forest floor. The diamonds glowed in the heat, haloed in a strange red-orange light. Why was her locket behaving so strangely? The man had simply hit her with a charm. There was no reason for her locket to react so strangely to a regular old stunning spell.

Wait... Willow's eyes widened. That was no stunning spell.

Willow's chest rose and fell rapidly. She fought off a panic attack like her life depended on it — which it honestly did, with her powers acting the way they were lately. Sweat beaded on her forehead. Her throat felt as though it were stuffed with cotton balls. Her tongue went dry. Willow squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on the positives.

You're alive. You survived. Grace gave you a locket that saved your life. Be grateful. You can go back to Paige and tell her you're fine. That's what you've got to do now. Yeah, that's right, you've got to return to the castle and let Paige know you're alright. Calm down. You're fine.

Willow finally convinced herself that she was not in a life-threatening situation any longer. She stood up, heart rate back to normal. She proudly placed her now-cooled locket back around her neck. Taking care to find the shortest route, Willow picked her way through the grass and made it to the Entrance Hall with no problems. She would have made it past the Great Hall and to her dormitory with no problems had Professor McGonagall not spotted her at the exact moment she entered the doors.

"WILLOW LUCIA GUERRERO!" she shrieked. "Where have you been? You were reported missing two hours ago! The Ministry was ready to send in the aurors!"

Willow reddened considerably. Guilt swarmed her gut like a horde of locusts. "Professor, I didn't mean to — "

"You could have been killed! You could have been taken! Your father could have lost his last child!"

That last one stung the worst. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone after him."

"You would do well to remember that sentiment next time you have the urge to run straight into danger!" McGonagall fretted. She seized Willow by the sleeve of her robe, frantically examining her for any signs of damage. "Did he see you? Were you attacked?"

"Yes, and...yes," Willow admitted.

Professor McGonagall paled three shades. "He — He attacked you? How?"

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