Year 4: Chapter 15

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"Good job, my dear," Molly cooed, stroking Sally's hair.

Sally collapsed to her knees, sobbing her heart out. "I'm so sorry, Willow!"

"Molly? What — I thought — " Willow stammered. She furiously shook her head. "Where's Moody? I know you've been working with him! He's Barty Crouch Jr. in disguise!"

"Impressive. You figured out our little game," Molly cooed. "But, just as you always have, you've failed to see the big picture, Willow."

"What do you mean?"

"Before the school year started, I gave a little ultimatum to Sally: either help me, or her precious Sarah Brown and Sam would die. Naturally, this persuaded her to my side. The Death Eaters have reassembled over the months. The Dark Lord is rising once more, and we needed to prepare, so I sent Sally in to help our young double agent gain intelligence. Barty and she have been working on advanced spells for months, using it as a cover for their time together, and they've been passing along vital information about the Tournament the whole while."

"Why would you need information about the Tournament? It's not like you have a Slytherin legacy to root for," Willow said.

"We need the boy," Molly growled. "Harry Potter is the key to returning the Dark Lord to his full power. We knew this much, but how could we possibly steal him away with Dumbledore hovering over him like the plague? Then, we came to a glorious realization: the Tournament was our ticket inside. Our plan was concocted, put in place, and set into irreversible motion. Mr. Crouch was persuaded to restart the Tournament tradition. Barty stole Mad-Eye's identity, then easily received the not-so-coveted post of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. He slipped Potter into the Tournament. He won the boy over throughout the year with his seemingly kind, generous help. He will never suspect a thing before he lays a hand on that Cup."

"What cup?" Willow demanded. "You don't mean the Triwizard Cup?"

"The very one," Molly confirmed, grinning toothily. It had an uncanny resemblance to a hyena. "Any moment now, Harry Potter will win the Tournament with secret help from Barty, and he will be transported via portkey right to the feet of the Dark Lord."

"No," Willow breathed. Her heart seized in her chest. She had to get out of here and help Harry before it was too late. But she couldn't leave Sally, even though she'd betrayed her — could she?

"I see you're contemplating escape," Molly noted. Willow hastily cleared her expression. "Don't bother. I had Sally tempt you here for a reason. You were always the flaw in our plans, Willow. There's something special about you. Very special. Sally wouldn't speak of it, even under threat of torture — and torture itself."

Willow's eyes flickered to Sally's crumpled form. Sally had kept her powers secret, even under torture? Whose side was she on?

"We figured since she would not give up information under the threat of her life, you would give it up under the threat of hers." Molly suddenly advanced on her daughter, pressing the tip of her wand to Sally's neck. The young Gryffindor cried out in pain as her mother yanked her head back by the ponytail. Willow's eyes widened.

"STOP!" she commanded. "You don't have to do this!"

"You're right. I can stop as soon as you tell me the truth," Molly purred. "Just a few words, Willow, and Sally is free."

"Don't do it, Willow!" Sally gasped. "You can't trust her!"

"Quiet, girl!" Molly barked. "You still have a lot of groveling to do if you want your brother and Sarah to survive!"

Sally quickly shut her mouth, but there was a silent plea in her eyes. Willow knew that Sally didn't want to die. She wanted Willow to stay safe equally as much as she wanted to keep her life. As she looked into those complex, kaleidoscopic eyes, Willow's heart ripped itself to shreds. Her friend had not only betrayed her, but Harry as well. So many more lives were on the line if Voldemort ascended to power once more. But how could she choose between her family and complete strangers? Who in their right mind would sacrifice their loved ones to save those whose fates might not come to pass? No one would gamble their family on mere chance.

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