21. Jeyna - The Dream

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Reyna tried to inhale but her nose and lungs seemed incapable of doing so as she banged on his door.

What's come over me? Why am I here?

This dream had stuck with her in particular clarity. Why couldn't I just forget about this one like all my other dreams?

Her heart almost burst out of her chest with each beat, leaving her more tense than the last.

Blackbeard's ship. The ugly friend of his- Sergeant Fishface, they had called him. Perry, fifteen, blonde. He had dragged her away to the back. Screams, horrible screams, and a heavy bag being thrown overboard the next day. "Where's Perry?" Eli - only eight years, she was- had asked, her small body trembling, tiny arms and legs red and bruised...

"Rey?" Jason's voice was deeper. Before, the new change into adolescence had made her body tingle all over, now it made her want to cry.

Her hands covered his mouth, lips trembling despite her attempts to bite down on it. His eyebrows shot up and he took a step back. She followed him, letting the door close behind them.

"What happened?" His voice was low, barely audible, and her heart slowed down from the familiar look of confusion on his face. She held both his forearms in her hands and led them to a corner, collapsing on the floor.

"I'm sorry for waking you-" His hands stroked her hair and she let out a whimper.

"What's wrong?" His voice was still low as he held her hand and slowly caressed them in his.

"I'm a terrible person." She couldn't tell whether he heard it as most of it was a mere sob. He wrapped his arms round her waist and brought her closer.

"No, you're not."

"But I l-left them there, I couldn't save her - Eli - I failed them." The tears fell onto his shoulder and soaked the wrinkled shirt.

"Rey?" He tugged on her chin and made her look into his bright blue eyes that seemed to be a source of light on its own. "You are the most amazing person I know. I don't know what's gotten into you but I know that you are brave, strong, kind, and I can't think of any more adjectives right now 'cause its the middle of the night but-"

A small breath escaped through her nose in amusement.

"You're a great person and nobody can tell you that you aren't, okay? Not even yourself."

She nodded and took a deep breath in, taking in Jason's scent, hoping she could stay there forever.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He mumbled into her hair.


His chest rumbled as he chuckled, "wanna stay here tonight?"

She hummed against his shoulder blade but didn't make a move. Shallow breathing and shaking hands accented the scene that, in all other aspects, could have been just any other couple cuddling.

"Let's go." Tugging on his hand and slowly rising.

"You're so cute, Rey." His eyes shone as he led her to the more comfortable mattress all the way across the room.

"And you're lucky that I'm not myself right now, otherwise you'd be dead," She muttered, trailing behind with her fingertips barely brushing against his.

"I wouldn't've said that, otherwise." They climbed onto bed, Reyna responding with a slight smirk and a small 'aw'.

Her breathing became even and her heart started beating in time with Jason's as they both closed their eyes, letting sleep overcome them with the daughter of Bellona's head against a smiling son of Jupiter's chest.

A/N : Wrote this a while ago, just took forever to edit-

Yours Truly

ReynaLovegood2 :)

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