23. Jeyna - Hypnos' Help

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A/N: It's been a while since I've written any oneshots, so thank you to will1545 for the amazing suggestion. 

This is probably one of my longest oneshots here. Maybe it's because I haven't posted anything in a year and my writing has evolved lol -


Everything was Juno's fault. It was not that Jason didn't like her. The goddess just had a tendency to mess everything up in his experience.

The council meeting, as small and disorganized as it seemed, proved a cozy atmosphere to break Jason's horrifying news. The existence of a Roman camp was a surprise to some. Others were either not concerned, asleep, or fixating on some other details.

Annabeth, for instance, could only think of Percy Jackson. His loss had been devastating for everyone. Jason felt like a pathetic replacement for him, especially to the one person who experienced devastation greater than others. She walked with him as they left the Big House.

"When do you think we'll be able to reach your Camp?" She seemed to be planning their arrival already. Her worry for Percy, as well as everyone else's concern and admiration, made Jason's desire to switch them back with a Uno reverse card strengthen everyday.

"I'm not sure. You should ask Leo when he and the Hephaestus cabin will finish building the Argo II. After that we can probably make it there pretty quick." They were entering the woods.

"Hmm... what do you remember about that place?"

They stopped by the lake. Jason shrugged.

"Not a lot. It's still pretty foggy but I remember some people, more about when I was younger. Juno has apparently decided not to give me all of my memories yet. She was there. In the cabin and told me it would come to me over time. I just have to trust her... I guess." He sat on the clump of rocks nearby watching the water flow downstream and the grass.

Annabeth stared at him. "Don't you want all of your memories back?"

"I mean, I imagine they're in my head but will show up slowly. Maybe there's a reason."

"If they're in your head... we can probably retrieve them. You have something so close and you're still not pursuing it? It's..." She pursed her lips, also focusing on the water.

"We're gonna find him. If Percy is as awesome and powerful as everyone says he is, he would definitely have gained the respect of at least some people there." Jason nodded to himself. He had faith in the friends he didn't remember. They must be good people, right? "Even if I don't remember everyone, I know that earning respect will get you far."

"And you don't want to make sure? There's no way of knowing if they're as kind as you think." Annabeth was watching him, and her anger dissipated into despair. "I miss him. Obviously. And I really don't know what possessed you to think you don't actually want your memories back but knowing whether the people we're heading toward on a giant ship are going to be nice to us or not would definitely be useful."

"They probably won't," Jason chuckled, rubbing his neck and not meeting her eyes. When he looked up, he went on, "The Romans aren't kind by any means but they value integrity and skill."

Things stirred in his brain, it didn't hurt to think about it like before. But there were details that avoided him.

Annabeth hummed. "I would want Percy to remember us. Our past. It's what made us who we are."

His stomach churned when he looked into her pained face. "Alright... how do you suggest we get all my memories back?"

"Let's go find Clovis."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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