7. Solangelo - The Quest

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Nico's POV

"I hate you."

Those were the words that greeted Will Solace as he walked into Camp Half-Blood after two months.

"Nico I need to get to the infirmary." Said Will, his tone urgent.

Nico relented and walked beside him, arms crossed, as they burst into the infirmary.

"Kayla! Where's the potion?"

"Will, you're back!" Kayla ran towards him wrapping him in a hug. He gave her a 'can't we do this later' look. "Oh, sorry. It's over there, beside the table."

He took out the vial in his pocket containing the flower and slowly ripped its petals off, putting them into beaker one by one while stirring.

As much as Nico wanted to murder the son of Apollo, he refrained from doing so, only because there was a girl who was desperately in need of his help. Will, Sherman Yang and Cecil had arrived with the necessary ingredient right after dinner.

Will's sister stood beside him, eagerly and, after a while, the liquid started to boil and let out smoke. Nico's eyes widened for a second but then the potion turned a calming, light blue, reminding him of his boyfriend's eyes.

The blonde handed it to Kayla, who rushed to the kid's side, forcing the potion down her throat. Will took a deep breath. He looked Nico in the eye and, placing his now useless dagger on the table, said, "The potion takes at least two hours to take effect so you can do whatever you want with me now."

Nico held his gaze for a moment. He then dragged Will out of the infirmary and wrapped him in a hug.

"Don't you *ever* leave like that again." He whispered into the blonde's ear, his voice trembling.

"I believe that I heard something along the lines of 'I hate you', a while back." Will teased.

Nico pulled away and replied, "Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that."

He started punching the and kicking at the son of Apollo's tall and sturdy frame. Will took a small step back, laughing so hard, there were droplets of tears coming out of the corners of his eyes.

"Oh my gods, Nico." Will said, pulling him back into hug. "I missed you."

Although slightly reluctant, he held on to the boy tight, burying his face in the crook of Will's neck.

"I missed you too." Nico mumbled against his skin.

"You've been eating, haven't you?" Will asked, taking his hand and walking further away from the infirmary.

Nico nodded slightly and, at Will's concerned look, said, "Yeah, Solace, I have been eating."

"I'll be checking with someone about that, you know, so there's no use lying about it." His narrowed eyes were pointed directly at Nico.

The son of Hades rolled his eyes.

"So, what have I missed?" The blonde said, unable to keep his mouth shut for too long.

"Not much." He said, shrugging. "The Stolls *accidentaly* dropped a bucket of water on Mr. D's head, Percy and Jason had another 'who's stronger' fight, which ended, as always, in a stalemate."

Nico stopped for a moment, thinking. "Oh! And Annabeth and Percy spent a whole night in the lake."

Will's eyes sparkled as he laughed. The cute dimples on his cheeks almost made Nico forgive the blonde for leaving for 2 months.

Oh wait-

Nico ripped his hand away from Will's and started walking faster.

"Hey! What happened?"

"You can't just leave for 2 months and expect me to forgive you, that easy." Nico said, crossing his arms and walking even faster.

"What do you want me to do?" Will asked, taking longer strides to keep up with the sprinting son of Hades.

"You have to catch me first!"

Will's POV

*Oh gods.*

Will ran after Nico, shaking his head in playful exasperation.

"Nico, where are you going?" Will shouted, trying to catch up. Nico didn't seem to hear him, as he ran straight for the woods, laughing.

Will wasn't very quick, despite having longer legs and, before you could say Hera's Cow Herd, he realised that he couldn't see the younger boy's familiar form ahead of him. He tried looking back from where they came but the place looked unfamiliar. The darkness didn't help, either.

"Shit." He mumbled, looking around for some kind of landmark. "Nico!"

The trees seemed to be closing in on him as he moved closer to a lump of boulders that he hoped against hope was Zeus' fist. It wasn't. He started to worry. *How far in did I go?*, he thought, just as something rustled in the bushes.

"Nico. . . ?" He called out. "If you're playing some sort of prank, it's not funny."

The leaves rustled on the other side. He snapped his head towards the noise. Something or *things* were circling him. He suddenly regretted leaving his only weapon in the infirmary.

A giant scorpion, easily as tall as him, jumped out of the bushes to his right. His heart pounded rapidly in his chest.

*Nico, where are you?* Will thought, desperately. He backed away from the monster slowly, hoping to get himself out of the monster's sight. Unfortunately, the scorpion was looking him dead in the eyes and Will couldn't make any sudden movements without alerting it. It sized him up, just as it would a prey. Oh, wait, that meant he was the prey. Welp-

He was backed up against the wall with no way out. The monster started scuttling forwards, brandishing its tail, probably filled with poison. Will wondered if this was the way he going to die; alone, without a fight, in the middle of the woods after days of being dead when-

"Not today, sucker." Nico shouted. And, next thing he knew, there was monster dust everywhere and his favourite son of Hades was standing in front of him with his sword in hand.

He shook off the dust and grinned at Nico, who just stood there, shocked and frozen. There was a moment of silence.

Nico then ran up to him and his lips collided with Will's. He smiled into the kiss, cupping the raven-haired boy's face.

They pulled away with their cheeks burning.

"Thanks for saving me, Sunshine." Will said, grinning.

"My pleasure." Nico joked. "Also, you have to stop scaring me so much."

"Now, you know how I felt when you were in a near-death state after all that shadow travel," He said, earning himself an eye roll. "You were the one who brought me here in the first place."

"Yeah and I'm never doing that again."

Apparently Will was just an idiot because they hadn't even gone one mile in. Nico led him out, holding his hand, just for good measure and they returned to the infirmary. They found Kayla sponging Haley's forehead.

"Is she gonna be alright?" Nico asked. Will was touched that he cared. Though that was probably a-given, considering his boyfriend had gone on a months long quest just to save this girl.

"She'll be fine. If she has a fever, that means she's getting better." He replied. Turning to Kayla he said, "Do you want me to take the night shift?"

"No way, you just came back from a quest. Justin said he would take this shift anyway." Kayla said, setting the wet cloth down and ushering the two of them out.

"I'll call you if we need anything." She said, winking.

"You stay in the same cabin, why would she-?" Nico stopped himself and tried to supress his smile, realizing that they were going to spend the night in the Hades cabin.

Will grinned at him, throwing an arm around the shorter boy's shoulder and walking toward the eternally dark cabin to cuddle and get some well deserved sleep. 

A/N : Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment. I'll be doing a Thaluke one next. Please request if you have any ideas, I swear I'm running out. Lol,

Yours Truly 

ReynaLovegood2 :) 

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