15. Jeyna - Her Eyes

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Jason's POV

The feeling of contentedness in his heart decided to elope along with his stomach, around two seconds after Jason opened his eyes. 

It was replaced by a feeling of panic; something was missing. The sight of the girl he was holding hands with almost seemed to bring him comfort. Something about her tanned skin, dark hair in braids and strong presence beside him. But it all shattered as soon he met her eyes.

Jason snatched his hand away from the brown haired girl's, who turned to look at him with her eyebrows drawn together slightly.

"What's wrong, Jason?" She asked, her concerned voice made him want to tell her everything, even though he himself didn't know what was wrong.

Jason's heart hammered in his chest, making it hard to breathe. He retracted, moving away from the girl.

The curly haired latino boy fiddling with scraps of metal in the seat in front of them, noticed him backing away like a cornered rat and chuckled, "What's wrong, buddy? You look like you've just seen a Dylan."

The girl smirked shortly before turning toward him. Her eyes seemed to shift its colour in the sunlight, turning a bluish-green.

"Jason, are you alright?" She asked, her voice made his heart rate slow down but. . . it shouldn't?

"Who are you?" He blurted out. There was something odd about her voice that made him not want to trust her. Her words seemed to echo inside him, it was faint but he could feel his heart itching to comply and agree with every word.

She seemed taken aback, her eyes displaying some form of hurt.

The other boy burst into laughter. "Is this your lame attempt at getting back at me for the shaving cream incident, Jace? Yeah, nice try, not working."

"Leo, I don't think he's lying." The girl chides. Leo rolled his eyes.

"Right, and I'm Captain America."

"Hey! What's going on back there, cupcakes?" A surprisingly short man, in a white polo shirt and trousers and baseball hat shouted. Jason would have been intimidated if he wasn't five feet tall. The man, who was eyeing him carefully, seemed to be the only adult in the moving bus, even though he didn't look it.

"What was that, Coach Hedge? I couldn't hear you." The scrawny boy said.

The coach took that as his excuse to march up to them and scream in his ears with a megaphone, only to have his voice come out sounding like Darth Vader. The whole bus exploded in laughter.

He tried again. This time the megaphone went, "The cow goes mooooo." Hedge walked back with red cheeks, glaring at all the grinning children.

"Where am I? What's going on?" He urged, wanting some sort of explanation.

"Oh, c'mon, dude. Give it up."

Jason frowned, looking at him, bewildered.

"Fine! We're on a field trip to the Grand Canyon from the Wilderness School, where our parents, or the court, decided to put us for whatever reason and you're pretending to not remember any of us as a way to get back at me for what I did last week. Ring any bells?"

Jason looked at him again.

"Can you believe this guy?" This time directed at the girl.

"Jason, do you... what's my name?" She turned to look at him, taking his hands in hers.

Straining his brain harder didn't seem to do the trick so he just shook his head, still frowning. A feeling akin to guilt spread in the pit of his stomach at their joined hands. He slipped his hands out of hers awkwardly. Just then, as the bus screeched to a halt, a haughty-looking boy with blinding white teeth walked over

"Hey, Piper." His cocky, self-satisfied grin did nothing to improve Jason's immediate impression of him being a complete douche.

"Go away, Dylan."

Piper. The name of his supposed girlfriend didn't exactly seem to fit.

Jason could see why Leo and Piper didn't like Dylan and why they made fun of him. He seemed too self-centered and cocky to be anything near faithful to.

"I'm your partner, you should be happy." He said, smirking. Dylan grabbed Piper by the elbow  and dragged her along with him. She turned to give them a look of desperation before walking in pace with the annoying boy.


They walked into the big, red stucco complex, sitting in the middle of nowhere. Coach Hedge was barking orders, telling them to stay in line, while Dylan shamelessly flirted with his - or so he was told - girlfriend.

Hedge kept looking towards him, scowling. Jason had a feeling that the coach knew he wasn't supposed to be there. Then how do Piper and Leo seem to know him? He tried to ignore the man by striking up a conversation.

"What's up with this Dylan guy?" He asked Leo, who, unlike the others on this field trip, didn't have a worksheet, despite not having any form of amnesia.

He barked out a laugh and said, "He thinks all the girls of our school are fawning over him, thinks he's the 'golden boy'. But I'd bet more girls have fawned over a pitbull."

Busy in trying to avoid the eyes of a certain glaring coach, he had deciphered only about three words; fawn, golden and pitbull. 

Jason stopped dead in his tracks. 

Golden. Dog. 

Braided black hair, tan skin, Roman armour. A picture arose in his mind's eye of a girl with... obsidian eyes. 

Reyna, in all her beauty and confidence, was petting her dog Aurum ( gold in Latin), a rare smile gracing her face. But it left as soon as it came.

"No... no." He whispered, trying to remember what happened after that, before, anything.

"Hey, dude, what happened?" 

Jason opened his eyes, hoping to see those deep obsidian ones, yet was faced with comparitively dull brown ones of the shorter boy. Jason took a deep breath, wondering what the dark haired girl had to do with his past.

He almost opened his mouth to speak her name to Leo but closed it soon after.

What if it disappeared? What if he lost the only memory he had of his past by trying to speak of it?

Swallowing the words in his throat, Jason replied, "Nothing, I just... I don't know, something?" 

Leo looked at him weirdly before continuing behind the others.

And that name - Reyna - was the only thing that kept him going, it was the only thing that gave him hope that everything would unravel itself, soon enough. 



(Contains slight spoilers for The Burning Maze)

This will never happen. And it never could have. Jason's memory was taken from him for a reason but why wasn't it given back? 

Yes, I believe that his memories were not given back until the 3rd book of the Trials of Apollo, Burning Maze. Why? Because as stupid as people can be sometimes, Jason was a Roman. Why does that matter? Because there's this thing called Roman integrity and he has it. Even if he would have left Reyna for the quest, only to come back a couple months later, he would never leave Camp Jupiter to go on some quest, leaving Octavian, of all people in charge of his camp, despite his endless trust on Reyna. Hera/Juno/That Goddess That I Really Don't Like ^TM realized this and didn't give him back his memories. Yeah. 

I have another glaring proof to support this theory, that being Piper and how she had fake memories of her and Jason dating. Why would Juno do this unless she had a solid reason for it? I think it's because she knew that Jason would never  leave for this quest with the others if he had his memories. This also explains the break up, which was before he went to the Sibyl. He probably got his memories back, then. He had no other actual reason to break up with her, right? 


A/N : Tell me your thoughts about this headcanon in the comments. If not for this reason, then why did Hera give Piper fake memories of them dating?

Again, if you have any ideas of oneshots that you want me to write, please comment those as well. Thank you so much for reading.

Yours Truly 

ReynaLovegood2 :) 

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