4. Jeyna - Charleston

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A/N : You might have noticed that i changed the cover of the story. Yeah... just, yeah. This one is about what really happened in Charleston. Jason says Reyna never acted the same around him again but what does that really mean... (just my interpretation as an obstinate jeyna shipper)


Jason's POV

"Reyna, just tell me what it said." He persisted, only to face the girl's icy glare.

Jason wasn't sure what the floating figure had told her nor was he sure exactly what the floating figure was. All he knew was that it had upset Reyna. He would have stabbed it in the gut with his imperial gold sword if he could come close to it without it disappearing.

Reyna was a lot paler than she had been before the talk.

"At least tell me what it was." Jason said, glancing back at the park. He stopped in his tracks, moving in front of her. She was forced to look at him as he demanded for an answer with his eyes. Reyna clenched her jaw and, after a moment's silence, stepped aside and continued to where they had left their pegasi.

He grasped her forearm and Reyna tensed up. He started, speaking a little more forcefully than before, "What could it have said to make you so upset, huh? No, leave that, what I don't understand is why you're not telling me-"

"Jason, let go."

"No! Not until you tell me what it said. I know everything about your life, Reyna. You trusted me enough with all that, why don't you just tell me-

"Jason, stop, it... hurts." Said Reyna, her voice trembling and much quieter than it was before. Jason immediately let go of her hand and he saw her massage the spot where he had been holding on too tight.

He saw the angry red marks on her skin and winced. Reyna walked ahead rubbing her arm and avoiding Jason altogether.

"Sorry." He whispered, falling back into pace with her. Reyna walked faster, pretending not to have heard those words. She took an arrow from the quiver that was slung over her shoulder and tried to shoot it at a tree that was about 10 feet away from them. Her hands were shaking and the arrow fell right next to her feet, at completely the wrong angle.

Reyna shot arrow after arrow, picking them up as they moved along and not stopping until she hit her target right twice. Not long after that, they reached the quiet area where they'd parked their pegasi.

They didn't have to say anything. The plan they had made before leaving was clear about their next destination. As they were flying, Jason tried to apologize again,

"I'm really sorry, Rey. I... I didn't meant to..." He trailed off, seeing as the girl wasn't really listening to him.

They landed and unmounted their winged horses. Jason was about to tell Reyna that it would be hard to work as a team if they weren't even speaking to each other, when he felt arms wrap around his shoulders. He felt her even breathing against his neck and the side of her head resting against his collarbone. His hands tightened around her waist protectively and he rubbed soothing circles on her back.


"Don't ruin the moment, airhead." She said, sighing.

Jason obeyed and relaxed into her arms. They remained that way for gods know how long but, when she pulled away, it seemed far too soon.

"Come on," Said Reyna, her faint pink colour dusting her cheeks. "We have a quest to complete."


"You don't know how good it feels to finally be back home." The blonde preator exclaimed, stretching his legs on the long table.

"You're saying that as if I wasn't on this quest with you," Said the equally exhausted daughter of war, sitting on her chair after a refreshing bath.

"And take your feet off the table." She added. Jason rolled his eyes.

... And then, he took his feet off the table.

He watched as she stretched her arms and legs. Seems, riding a pegasus for a day straight was starting to show its effects. Her hair was damp and hung loose over her shoulders. Wearing freshly washed clothes seemed to make her feel a lot better.

"Now I feel cold." Reyna said, chuckling at the irony. Jason, who hadn't taken a bath yet, was still feeling hot and sticky.

"You want a hug?" He said, wriggling his eyebrows and eliciting only a glare from the girl.

"No, thank you!" She said, scooting away from the filthy son of Jupiter. "Not until you've taken a shower."

"Oh, so you admit you wanna hug me!" He teased. Jason felt particularly satisfied when he saw her slightly pink cheeks.

He leaned closer to her, his smirk wide as ever when he saw her eyes widen and her blush deepen. His face was centimeters away from hers. He moved his face until there was little to no space between their lips and he could practically feel her lips on his.

"I..." Started Jason, in a whisper. "I should probably take that shower then."

As he leaned away from her slowly, it took her a few seconds to process what he had just said. When she did comprehend the words that had come out of his mouth (or maybe she had just noticed him moving away), the dark haired girl pulled him, grabbing a fistful of his shirt, and latched her lips to his as though her life depended on it. He pulled her body closer, gently seating her on his lap. One hand moved to the small of her back, to stop Reyna from falling and another cupped her cheek as he deepened the kiss.

She pulled away a few seconds later and... well, let's just say, it was a sight to behold.

Her cheeks were a deep red and she was taking deep breaths. But she had this beautiful smile on her face. He would describe it as beautiful because he rarely saw the daughter of Bellona with a smile and it made her look like a human being when she did that. Not just any human being but the most gorgeous, delicate person with the most gentle features that almost made him weak in the knees. Also, did he mention that she was sitting on his lap.

"You should take that bath now." Said Reyna, getting up and moving away, her cheeks still flushed.

He followed suit, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Maybe I don't want to."

He placed soft kisses on he neck and felt the girl shiver in his arms. She ripped herself away from him and narrowed her eyes. "Well, I'm not letting you anywhere near me until you've showered."

She took a clean towel from the closet and threw it at his face.

"Hey, you wanna come with me for that birth of Rome ball next week?" Jason blurted out.

Reyna hesitated a moment before replying with a smile on her face, "Yeah, I'd love to." Jason grinned, his face alight with a happiness that she had never seen before and his heart full of a joy that he had never experienced before.

And, yes, things were never really the same between them again...

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