6. Jeyna - A Night to Remember

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A/N : OK, I laughed my ass off writing the last part. I also laughed during the make out scene, I don't even know why. I just thought of this while I was listening to 'If I Could Fly' by One Direction. I hope you enjoy..


Reyna's eyes fluttered open.

Her eyes darted all around her but all she could see was the bright light. She blinked repeatedly and twisted around on the comfy, soft thing below her which she assumed was a mattress. Sky blue eyes met hers as she turned and the body it belonged to, sitting with his torso exposed and naked. She could see the confusion, regret, pain and fondness, all fighting to take over his face.

She sighed, running a hand over her throbbing head as the events of the previous night came back to her in bits; Percy's birthday. New Rome. Alcohol. A blonde figure dragging her away. Their bodies hitting the bed. A night to be remebered or forgotten...


"How 'bout we get away from all this noise?" A voice whispered into her ear, startling her.

Reyna quickly turned to face the blonde son of Jupiter, with his cheeks flushed and an unsteady step. The girl, who was tired of the ear-piercingly loud party already, agreed immediately.

She had only been there for an hour or so but things had escalated from a birthday party to a drinking contest just a while back and she had no interest in seeing who threw up first.

They walked around New Rome in companiable silence. Even after everything that happened between the two, they had decided to remain friends. Though, she never uttered a word about the relationship they had had before he left.

But she knew the truth, that if he actually wanted to know about his past he would have gotten all his memories back. Jason had believed that he was glad with Piper. Obviously, he thought it was 'easier' with her, not having to worry, because the daughter of Aphrodite did enough work in their relationship for the both of them. Piper had probably just wanted to keep their rocky relationship from collapsing, but a year after the war, they had broken up. Piper was unable to keep the boat afloat on her own and Jason realised that he wasn't even happy in the relationship.

"You look beautiful, Rey." He slurred.

"And you are drunk." She said, fighting to keep her voice and step steady as she glared at the boy slightly.

He gave her a crooked smile. "I didn't even drink much." He protested half-heartedly.

"Lightweight." She muttered and to her dismay (not really), he heard it.

He stuck his tongue out and flung an arm around her shoulder.

"I know you're trying to keep steady, but it's not working." He spoke into her ear. She moved her head away from the tickling sensation it created.

She sighed, giving in and allowing herself to walk more freely and tried not to notice the son of Jupiter smiling by her side.

In the two years after the break up, Jason had decided to come back and find a place for himself in New Rome. He was still determined to set up some kind of representation for all of the Roman and Greek deities and his work had finished just a few months ago. Considering the sheer number of gods and godesses, Reyna still wasn't sure he'd actually covered all of them.

"Where are we going, Jason?" She asked, after walking around in the streets of New Rome for some time.

"I don't know." He paused, thinking for a moment. "Maybe you can finally come see my house, we can watch some television or something?"

Reyna smiled at him calling it a 'television' instead of calling it a T.V. like everybody else. She wondered if he remembered why he did that, recalling the incident where a twelve year old Jason had lost a bet with Dakota and having to speak in perfect English for two months. The habit seeped into his daily life after that. She didn't know what the bet was, they hadn't told her, even after much pestering.

"'Kay." She replied and they continued, with a destination in mind.

They had become close over the past couple of years but it wasn't like before. Reyna knew that Jason had some notion of what had gone on between the two of them but not the full truth, definitely not. If he had known, then she
knew that he wouldn't have asked Piper out (or maybe it was the other way around, she didn't really care, he shouldn't have agreed, in that case). Her Jason would never do that. For him, this was like a new start.

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