Chapter 68

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Third Person View

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Third Person View

The huge wooden door opened with a loud slam, a frustrated leader immediately stepping into the large meeting room.
As he had ordered, the rest of NCT had gathered by now, silently sitting at the long table while turning their attention towards the man, who made his way to his own seat.

The atmosphere was nerve-wrecking and everyone could feel their own heartbeat pounding relentlessly against their own chest, patiently waiting for a few words from the well-known redhead.

Well... not everyone was waiting patiently. A younger brunette in particular was waiting to finally get an insight into the current situation, continously tapping his own feet on the ground.

"How are they?" Donghyuck couldn't take it any longer and broke the opressive silence, immediately gaining everyone's attention around him.
Damn, it was always kind of shocking when that many people turned their heads towards you at the same time.

He tried to control his sudden nervousness and the fidgeting of his curious body as best he could, but everyone could clearly see that he was more worried than usual.

Normally, everyone knew him for his carefree and defiant manner.
Excepty for a few older members, there was nothing that could really phase him or catch off guard,but now, after all this time, there was something odd in his expression.

Most were quite astonished to see that look in his eyes that seemed to have been lost for a long time.

"The Medics are still taking care of them," Taeyong now looked into his eyes as he took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure while folding his hands on the table.
"As far as I have noticed, there are no serious injuries. The two should be able to recover from them."

Before he knew, Donghyuck felt a weight lifting off his shoulders when he heard the news, finally letting himself sink into his own seat while sighing to himself.

He knew that he hadn't felt that responsible for anyone in a long time, but after meeting the ravenette girl, he felt as if the brutal reality was being shown to him anew.
A reality in which anyone could pass away at any given time.

"I will talk to Jun later as soon as he wakes up", Taeyong's husky voice ripped the younger out of his thoughts, "But before I do so, I want to know exactly what happened at your school and how in hell you found one of DRGNS."

No sooner had their intimidating leader finished his sentence than suddenly everyone's heads snapped up as they looked at him with confused and wide eyes.
For a brief moment, a few of the members thought they had misheard him, but soon were convinced the opposite, when they saw the speechless faces of the others.

The last rays of the gradually setting sun broke through the large windows and shrouded the brunette in a golden glow while he tried to internalize the elder's words.

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