Chapter 41

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Okay so I decided to leave the current cover cause the results of the poll were kinda mixed 😂 I will probably change it on a random day, well see

Anyways, 2 new chapters ahead yay✊🏼

Anyways, 2 new chapters ahead yay✊🏼

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"I'm not letting you go that easily."

Gradually, my head began to pound with pain, my eyes feeling as if they were about to fall out, while Lee Donghyuck's mere presence was only contributing to my suffering.

"It's been lovely... but you are draining my will to live", I spoke with an obviously false smile and tried to control my own irregular breathing.

Every little sensory impact had an unbelievably strong effect on my nerves and for a short moment it made me feel like I was hallucinating.

"The way you look, I am surprised that you even have the will to live. You look like a-"

"Zombie", I interrupted his sentence and rolled my eyes while my own fingernails clawed into the palms of my hands.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not sure... if that works for most girls."

I could feel my own body gradually collapsing and I'd better sit down somewhere before I falling like a tree in the forest.
My sense of balance was about to derail and my emotional stability had left me long time ago. I wasn't sure how I could even talk at this point, although it was mostly mumbling and stuttering.

In this very second, everything was pounding down on me. My well-known rage, which spread like a wild fire through my own body and sent my breath and heartbeat racing, and the consequences of my sleep deprivation, which slowly but surely drove me insane.

I was pathetic.

Neither with my mind, nor without it- I was useless and wanted nothing else than to scream at the top of my lungs or cry my soul out of my body.

"Are you on drugs?" Donghyuck's voice echoed through my delusional head.

It was almost as if he was talking to me from the other end of a school hall, causing me to skilfully block out the slightly worried tone in his voice.
I only pressed my eyes together and bit my lips uncomfortably. I didn't realize how broken my own circulation was.

"I... no... but I-"

Miserably I stammered to myself, unable to give even a normal answer. If I could see myself through the eyes of a third person, I would have punched myself in the face.
But I didn't and instead I believed with absolute conviction that I was still doing the right thing by avoiding my  daunting dreams. Deep down I knew the opposite.

"'Look at yourself," Donghyuck suddenly laughed, whereby he had become much more serious.

His eyebrows were critically drawn together while he once more looked at me from head to toe.
My reaction time had become so slow that I didn't notice how the older student gradually moved forward before he came to a halt right in front of me.

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