Chapter 99

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Tired and exhausted, I rested my weary head against the soft mattress of the bed, eyes closed and breathing steady

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Tired and exhausted, I rested my weary head against the soft mattress of the bed, eyes closed and breathing steady.
The loud, buzzing sounds of the music reached my ears only dump while I was sitting alone on the floor of a random bedroom, fingers buried in the soft, snuggly material of the carpet.

After falling into the pool, Donghyuck had carried me all the way over here and if I was honest, I finally felt like I was breathing again.
No attention, no trouble, nothing.

'I wonder what the others are doing' I thought to myself, silently debating whether I should go search for my friends or not.
My clothes were still soaking wet, sticking disgustingly to my cold skin while the water kept dripping off the ends of my pitch-black hair.

A sleepy sigh left my lips as I listened to my regular heartbeat and waited for Donghyuck to finally come out of the bathroom that was connected to this room. Since the pain killers slowly started to weary off and my energy to decrease, we had decided that he should go and change into the borrowed clothes first, probably being faster than me. 

The squeaky sound of the bathroom door caused my eyes to quickly flutter open, shortly afterward resting on the well-known NCT member, who was now leaning against the frame with his arms crossed.
It was only a few seconds, but the way he stood there in front of me still left a mesmerizing impression and made me smile a little. 

Because of our short swim in the pool, his previously curled and colored hair was now damp and tossed in every direction and instead of his dark perfectly fitting suit, he now wore a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants.
His shirt hung bit to the side and gave me a good glimpse of his tanned collar-bones while the short sleeves revealed his slightly toned and muscular arms.

Was his look simple? Yes.
Was it still attractive as shit? Definitely.

"I liked you better in that suit", I lied swiftly with a grin on my face and clicked my tongue, not actually caring about his clothes since he looked stunning no matter what time of the day.

"And I like you better when you're under me, but I guess we can't always have what we want."

The older quickly winked, the smirk on his face only growing wider as he noticed the bright red color rising to my cheeks due to the embarrassment.
I inhaled deeply, watching him push himself off the doorframe before walking over and coming to a halt in front of me.
My eyes only followed him, looking up at his prominent features while I was still on the floor.

"Come on, it's your turn."

Donghyuck held out his hands, this time smiling at me fondly while he waited for me to stand up. I froze for a split second, somehow in a trance-like state due to the brunette's warm expression.
He looked at me the way everyone wanted to be looked at and there was not a single nerve in my body surprised by the well-known tingling sensation of butterflies.

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