Chapter 48

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Yawning, I stretched out my arms while continuing to sit on the floor, hiding as always behind the red silky curtains of the theater

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Yawning, I stretched out my arms while continuing to sit on the floor, hiding as always behind the red silky curtains of the theater. My muscles ached badly and I felt how the tiredness was gradually making its way back to me.

I was clearly feeling better, but I still had many hours of sleep to catch up on so that I could be my old self again.  I had to admit that I was still scared of my dreams...
Yes, I've had no nightmare last night, but who guaranteed me that I wouldn't have one today?

A small sigh left my lips before I bit off my sandwich and thought back to the last hours. I had met Soyeon and Momo in my first lesson and not a second later they had bombarded me with questions and lectures. Both of them  had been furious with me, I couldn't blame them though. I'd be just as worried and scared, if suddenly one of them had vanished

Apparently, Donghyuck must have threatened my classmate Lisa because she told my two best friends that I slept over at her place last night.
Although I wasn't really happy about lying to the girls, I preferred not to tell the truth about the last events.

The truth is that I spent the whole night in the changing room with Lee fucking Donghyuck and fell asleep on his shoulder... after a SVT member attacked me.

Yepp, I'd rather go the lie.

I quickly ate the last bite of my food before wiping my hands on my pants and reaching for my pocket, automatically frowning and reaching for my jacket when I couldn't find my phone anywhere.

"Where are you?" I mumbled softly and got up to look down on the floor, but it was still nowhere.

At that moment my breath faltered as realization struck me like lightning. The memory of Donghyuck appeared in my head, when he had put it into into his own pocket this morning.

I groaned loudly, utterly annoyed as I pressed my own hands on my face. All that followed was a tortured whimpering and fake crying that left my mouth only muffled. "You got to be fucing kidding me."

Can't I  just have some peace for once? Is that really too much to ask for?

Cursing one last time, I finally took my hands off my face and let my shoulders fall in frustration, my own body slumping at the mere thought of having to face my favorite classmate after that damn moment earlier. Note the sarcasm.

After a short amount of time, I finally moved my two feet and strolled out of the room, most likely walking slower than a snail. With every small step I took my heart began to beat a little faster and I wondered what was wrong with me lately.

I don't want to see him, do I? Damn Sunghee, this shouldn't be a question but a statement!

After what felt like an eternity my legs stopped moving and I came to a halt right in front of the canteen door. This is where Donghyuck had tried to k- no. I should not think about this. I should banish this thought into the last corner of my mind, locking it and throwing the key far far away where I would never be able to find it.

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