20. Daunting Past

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Rich and Mara arrived at their hotel in Jeju. On their way to their hotel rooms, Rich told Mara.

"Girlfriend, rest first, and I'll just pick you up in your room at around 6 PM for dinner."

Mara nodded and entered her room. Inside, she suddenly felt how tiring their long flight was. Though she had over 15 hrs to sleep on the plane, she didn't really get the sleep she needed. After setting up her timer, she immediately dozed off.

Meanwhile, Jang hasn't informed Josh yet of Mara and Rich's arrival. He wanted to surprise him since Josh had an interview scheduled at the same hotel at 6 PM.

Jang was having a phone conversation with their boss in Josh's management office.
"Jang 조쉬 랑 무슨 일이야?
(Jang, what is going on with Josh?)
그는 최근에 불안해하고 집중하지 않았습니다.
(He has been anxious and not focused lately)
비상 스케줄을 받는 것은 이번이 처음이 아닙니다."
(This isn't the first time that we get emergency schedules)

Jang tried his hardest to keep Josh's secret.
"그는 단지 피곤합니다.
(He is just tired!)
걱정 할게 없어 보스."
(Nothing to worry, boss)

Jang is the only one who knows why Josh opted to squeeze all his schedules for a maximum of two months. He planned to fly back to Boston before the holidays and stay with Mara for at least three weeks. And it didn't go as planned because of the interview he needs to do tonight.

After the interview, he must work on a tourism documentary for three days. It's hoping it will open the door for him to be exposed to documentary program jobs. Fewer shoot days and fixed schedules, getting more time to spend with Mara in the future.

Looking tired, Josh got in the car that would bring him to the hotel for his interview. He was having a conversation with his driver on the way.

"인터뷰는 몇시입니까?"
(What time is the interview?)

"오후 6시"

"장은 나에게 방을 주었어? 30 분이라도 쉬고 싶어요."
(Did Jang get me a room? I want to rest even just for 30mins)

"네 장은 확인했고 우리가 도착하면 열쇠를 줄 것입니다."
(Yes, Jang confirmed, and he will give you the key when we arrive.)

Upon his arrival at the hotel, Jang was already waiting for him in the lobby.

"여기 방 열쇠입니다. 당신을 위해 준비된 탈의실에 가야 할 때 당신에게 전화 할 것입니다."
(Here is your room key. I will call you when it's time for you to go to the dressing room.)

Josh thanked Jang, got the key, and proceeded to his hotel room. His schedule exhausted him, but after hearing Mara's voice message, he felt a little relieved. He still has at least 30 minutes to rest.

As he was about to open the door, he got a text message from Jang.
* 나의 초기 크리스마스 선물은 침실입니다. 인터뷰에 늦지 마세요!
(My early Christmas gift is in your room. Don't be late for the interview!)

Josh wondered why Jang would give him a gift. He was so sleepy, and he went straight to the bedroom. But as he entered the bedroom, his heart stopped for a moment. From the door, he saw Mara sleeping form on the bed. What Jang said to him clicked. He wanted to put Mara in his arms, but he took the time to look at her face quietly. His heart is overflowing with happiness. He stayed beside Mara and kissed her lips softly as he placed her head on his arm before closing his eyes.

Her growling stomach awakened Mara. She realized she had eaten nothing in the past 6 hours. But just before she could get up from the bed, she felt an arm cradling her head.When she lifted her head to look, she couldn't believe her eyes. Josh's small, perfect-shaped face is just a breath away from hers. How she longed for his lips. Everything about Josh is absolute perfection. 

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