18. Alone Again

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"Hello, girlfriend! Where are you? Jang called me before they boarded. Please call me back once you get this message. Take care! Miss you!"

It was Rich's voice message. Mara didn't take Rich's call. She just listened to the message. It's not that she doesn't want to talk to Rich. She doesn't want to burden him again. So instead, she just sent him a text message.

 Mara: Best friend, I'm at work. I'm doing fine. Take care! Miss you too!

She thought she would be okay. But she isn't. It's her first night alone in her apartment. She sees Josh everywhere. She decided to just stay in the living room and put the tv on. As she found it hard to sleep, she was talking loudly to herself.

"This is crazy weird! You should be used to this by now! It isn't the first time you have to be alone! Get yourself together!"

The silence and loneliness reminded her of so many things. It's just that this time she wishes to see Josh soon. Before she wished not to see the face of the man who broke her heart three years ago, her tears started falling, and she fell into sleep with sadness and longing for Josh.


Eighteen hours have passed. The loud ringing of Mara's cellphone awakened her. Without checking the caller ID, she answered the call.


"I miss you! I sent you so many messages, but you haven't read them. You were offline. Good thing I kept my line there and could still call your phone." Josh's voice was of both relief and happiness.

A tear fell from Mara's eye. "Did you just arrive? I miss you so much!" She felt her heart constricted from both sadness and happiness.

"I will call you again tonight." Josh's voice croaked. "Our ride is here. I love you!"

"I love you too!" Mara's voice softened. 

It was a relief that they could communicate with each other fast with today's technology. Even though it was a brief conversation, hearing Josh's voice motivated her for the day. As she started preparing for work, she tried encouraging herself in front of the mirror.

I can do this! I need to work to pay my bills! 

As she entered her workplace, her cellphone chimed. It made her smile when she read the message.

Josh: We just arrived home. Message me once you arrive at work. 

Mara's lips curved into a big smile when she remembered Josh's previous request.

Mara: I'm at work now, Oppa. Love you! How do you like my message?

Josh had a big laugh upon reading Mara's reply. At last, she called him Oppa. Though he knows she is teasing him, he can imagine her face while writing her message.


Josh never missed a day; as promised, he called Mara morning and evening. After that, they both went back to their work lives as usual. But their feelings for each other grew stronger and deeper despite their distance. And after almost a month, Josh told Mara he was flying to Boston to spend Christmas with her. Mara was so excited, and as per their agreement, Mara asked for a three-week vacation from her work.

But days before Josh's flight date, Mara got a call.

"I got an emergency assignment for three days. I can't fly on my schedule. What do I do now?" Josh's voice couldn't hide his disappointment. 

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