3. Lights-Camera-Dream!

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I can't believe nine months have passed since I last saw Rich, my Fil-Korean friend. He is arriving today. As is our tradition, we spend the holidays together. But we made an exception this year. He came earlier to watch his sports idol in person. From the airport, he will come straight to my apartment, and we will go to the TD Garden together. I still have four hours before he arrives.

Every time Rich comes to visit me, I can't help but remember the first time we came here together. Time flies! I came here when I was 40 years old. Even though I have lived on the east coast for almost four years, I still cannot adjust to this New England weather. 57 F temperature still makes me cover myself with a heat blanket while staring at those refreshing yellow and orangey tree leaves. Having this chance to look at nature and spend time alone also makes me remember everything from three New Year's Eve ago.

Who would have thought I would end up single after being engaged for two years? It messed me up emotionally; it didn't give me the strength to stay in Manila. I can't pretend my painful fate is something I can bear head-strong.

Thank God for Rich, who made it possible for me to leave Manila and helped me start a new life here in Boston. I thought it was better to be in a place where no one knew me, and I didn't have to pretend I was okay regardless of what happened.

"It was a success; I also felt weighed down. Though I was so thankful, I felt it was beyond what I could take; I stopped going out, as I didn't want my feelings to be seen by others. It made me avoid people."

How come I keep hearing that guy's words and seeing his eyes every time I'm emotional? I guess he made me sad. How can he be that vulnerable with just a straightforward question? I can feel from his deep eyes what he went through while he was saying those words. I wish I were in the same place at that moment to give him a big, warm hug because I feel him. It's like we have a connection because of that same experience. He may have been talking about his job, and I may talk about my heartbreak three years ago. But, despite that, I feel connected to him.

Life is unpredictable. Everyone has his own story to keep or tell. We experience the highs and lows of life in different ways.

"I guess we connected, Mr. Deep Gazing Eyes!"

Wherever you are right now, I wish you are better. And don't worry- I will give you a big warm hug whenever I see you anytime, anywhere! That is a promise!



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