Chapter 8 - Italia (year 18XX)

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Like every morning for a month now, the girl had woken up at sunrise and was getting dressed ready to start her work.
While her companions were still tying their hair and wearing tons of cloth to cover every inch of skin, Nozomi was ready and had reached the servants' common room, where Margherita was waiting to explain the day's tasks.
While she was waiting for everyone to come down, however, Nozomi had already rolled up her sleeves and was helping Celestina with breakfast, which they would serve to the owners of the mansion (i.e. Primo, his guardians and all the members closest to them).

After a few minutes, however, Margherita clapped her hands insistently and called everyone back to the room.

- Good morning everyone. Today the cleaning of the meeting room, the library and the rearrangement of the courtyard are scheduled. - she explained. - Knowing that these are particularly long jobs, I will start by assigning each of you the tasks of the day. -

- Oh ... let's hope I won't end up fixing the yard ... - a blonde girl next to them was quite uncomfortable.
- Please not the library ... - another short girl in the first row whispered.
- I don't want to clean it either ... - Giulia joined her friend.
In fact, they weren't very enthusiastic about the day's tasks, but Nozomi wanted to seize the ball.

She raised her hand as if she were in class, although it was probably not a known action at the time but she ignored the matter and proposed herself for the library.

The girls next to her looked quite perplexed, and Margherita raised an eyebrow.

- Are you crazy? - Giulia whispered suddenly. - Do you know how big it is? -
- The newcomer has no idea what awaits her ... -

It was fun to hear certain things, especially considering that Nozomi not only knew the library very well, she loved the place and had practically grown up in it (to her father's chagrin).

- Interesting, I'm glad someone takes care of the important tasks. Who wants to help her? - Margherita observed the other girls one by one, but no one dared to propose, almost frightened by having to work all day to clean a room as large as the Vongola library.

- No problem, I'm going alone. - Nozomi said, putting her hands on her hips. She did not fear that work, rather she anticipated the moment when she would finally be able to set foot in the original library, the one conceived by the First, the one recently built.

- Are you sure? - Margherita didn't seem very inclined to want to send the new girl alone - The room is large and you will also have to arrange the books in their place. -

Arrange the books? That news made her smile so much and now there was nothing she craved more in life.

- When do I start ?? - she asked, super enthusiastic.

When she arrived in the huge hall half an hour later, she couldn't believe it would remain pretty much the same even two hundred years later.
There were no visible changes, the size was about the same, but the shelves may have been fewer and some were empty. They had probably planned a large library that could hold many tomes, but they still had to achieve a good part of the collection they would have in the future.
In fact, it was logical.
But the decorations on the columns, the painted ceiling, the large windows that let in the sun's rays, the sofas in the corners, everything was the same as for the future. Or rather, nothing would change over time, which made her immensely happy to know she was in an extremely familiar place.

She puts the towels on the floor together with the basin of water, squeezed the cloth with Margherita's recommendations still on her head about not wetting the books and not causing trouble. She began to understand why everyone were so afraid, since damaging something so precious could be a problem for the girl on duty.
However, it wasn't a problem for Nozomi. She was not as clumsy as the little girls in movies or historical books who tripped and broke furniture. Surely an oversight could happen, but surely it would not be like the clumsy girl on duty who wins the handsome prince by falling on him.
That nonsense only happened in movies.

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