Chapter 10 - Italia (year 18XX)

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His new room was slightly more furnished, with a small personal wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a wooden chair at the foot of the bed.
It was certainly smaller, but she at least could slept alone. The women of the servants used to sleep in a large room all together, so she hadn't slept alone for many months. Having her own room was almost a luxury.
Above the chair she had found a long blue dress, which she had worn. She didn't know who had left it to her but, probably, it was her new uniform. She was no longer a housekeeper but a librarian, perhaps the uniform was different.
However, that dress didn't look like a uniform.
It was actually quite an elegant dress, perhaps an everyday dress for that period, as elegant dresses were really much more extravagant and decorated.
However, for a little girl of the new millennium, a long dress with frills was already elegant enough.

She headed to the library for her first day at work, embarrassed but also excited about her new job. Who knows if she might have met him again?
As soon as she arrived at the library, however, there was someone else waiting for her: a beautiful woman with blond hair, whose teal dress hardly matched that of the brunette girl.
The shining eyes of the blonde met Nozomi's amber eyes and the woman approached with a sweet smile and great enthusiasm.

Nozomi remembered that woman, she was one of Giotto's close people when the family was created.

- Nozomi, isn't it? Welcome! - she hummed.

The woman was sunny, very friendly in appearance and full of life. She took Nozomi's hands without much courtesy.
Sometimes Nozomi, used to living in Japan, forgot how warm and physical Italians were. Kisses and hugs were widespread, it was impossible to escape that affection that overwhelmed you with a feeling of joy and smiles.

- Yes, nice to meet you! And you... -
- I'm Elena, I also take care of libraries! - she said, then bringing her hand to her mouth - I mean, the library! -
Nozomi smiled. She had grown up in that mansion, she knew of the existence of a second library, the "boss's library", a small secret room with confidential documents that only the boss and those closest to him could access.

- So we will be colleagues? - Nozomi asked, giggling.
Elena walked around the girl, peering at her with interest.
- Yes, the measurements are right! Looks great on you! -
- Ah, the dress ... did you give it to me? -
- You didn't have one, then I got you one! -
- it's wonderful, thank you very much !! - Nozomi was beaming, just like Elena.
In about five minutes they were already best friends.

It sure seemed to be all right in the past. She had met Giotto immediately, she had been taken to the mansion, now she had become a librarian and had become friends with Elena. Everything was going according to her plans.
Now, she had to make the handsome prince fall in love with her before two years pass or she would go back to being a merm-
No, that was another fairy tale.

But Nozomi's, however, also seemed like a fairy tale.

At least until she, rearranging the messy books, did not remember why she had never seen Elena in her dreams and had almost forgotten her. The girl slumped to the ground with a vacant look, her eyes, however, shiny.
Elena would soon meet an unexpected death, and this would prompt one of Giotto's guardians to betray him.
She wiped her tears and stood up, determined to finish her work.
She couldn't change the past, unfortunately. She decided to live her friendship with Elena to the full in order to carry her in her heart forever.

While she was checking some valuable books trying not to be fascinated by such wonders, Nozomi heard voices in the adjacent corridor.
She got up and approached the back door of the room with curiosity.
A young and embarrassed man with dark blue hair, she immediately recognized as the guardian of the mist, Daemon Spade, was trying to get Elena's attention with a sympathy Nozomi didn't remember belonged to him.
He had red cheeks and often looked away from her as he was unable to keep looking at her beautiful eyes.
Elena smiled sweetly, her gaze seemed aware of the man's feelings.
Both smiled, talking about this and that.

Nozomi couldn't stand Daemon much, but aside from his stupid future decision, he wasn't a bad person at all. If only Elena had survived, those two guys in love that she was seeing talking in the corridor with so much sweetness, maybe they would have had a family of their own and would have been together until the end.

How many things hurt your heart, when you know a future that others do not yet know.
This is why Nozomi left the door and the two lovebirds alone, approaching the desk and deciding it was time to begin cataloging the tomes in the family's possession.
She took a piece of paper and grabbed the pen.


- Ah ... how stupid, it's a normal feather ... I need the ink. - she said, dipping the tip into the inkwell and then bringing it to the paper.
Two black spots stained one part of it.

- ... EH ?? - she placed the quill in the inkwell and froze, unsure about what to do.
- ... let's start all over again! -She took the pen, dipping the tip and wiped the it slightly, then went back to writing.
The letters were full of ink and she could hardly write a word, as it could not be read.
Again the sheet was dirty.
- What??? - She banged her head on the desk in anger. - Why is it so difficult ??? -

- Are you all right, Nozomi? I hear something ...- Elena entered the room, she was very worried.
- Oh please forgive me! Don't worry, I just made some small mistakes but I'll fix them now! - Nozomi hastened to hide the dirty parchment behind her and laughed nervously.
- Oh, all right! Let me know if you need help! -

A few days later, Nozomi was bending over the paper with a trembling hand.
- Shelf ... three ...- the girl whispered as her pen slowly slipped across the paper.
She brought the pen to its place and looked at the half page. It was full of specks and unrecognizable letters, some erasures and the whole thing was a disaster.
A few tears ran down her face and she sobbed.

- Why is it so difficult ??? How do you use this thing?? -

She didn't have many sheets, having to explain what had happened to the ones she had available would have been embarrassing. What could she tell to her lord?
She stood up, wiping her tears in frustration, going back to sorting out the messy books.

Only a few minutes later she heard a sound, actually very relaxing.
It was not the sound of when she wrote, coarse and croaking, this one was very sweet.
She leaned over to the desk, the man had just finished noting down something and put down his pen.
As soon as his orange eyes lifted up to the girl, she was already hiding behind the shelf.
Her heart beating fast, her face embarrassed.

Why was she hiding? If he had noticed, he would have thought she might be a spy or someone suspicious.

She turned around again but he was no longer there. She went over to the desk and noticed some new empty sheets.
Next to the weird scribbled sheet of hers, a small piece of parchment engraved with
"Take it easy.".
An elegant, perfect handwriting, like the one from medieval movies.
Her heart was beating fast again.

The blonde woman came out behind the brunette, looking at the paper and Nozomi's face with curiosity.
- Oooooh ~ - she exclaimed, scaring Nozomi. - Now I understand! You like Primo, don't you?
Nozomi didn't have the courage to answer her but she laughed.
- You know, I think you may have a chance! I'll help you ~ -

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