Chapter 2 - Namimori (year 20XX)

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For a month now, Nozomi's class had no longer been the quiet and boring place.
Although the entrance and exit from the building were always a surprise, depending on the bullies or the fans who hung around there, the hours spent in the classroom were instead marked by continuous reflections and looks lost in the void.

In reality, the glances weren't really lost in the void, but usually addressed to a boy who sat a little further and the girl could not fail to observe him every time.

- Do I always remind you of that person? - Sora asked, chuckling - If you look at me like this, it means that I remind you of a really important someone . -

Nozomi had blushed, trying to divert the question.

- H-he was an ancestor of mine, a truly incredible man and whom I admire very much! - She promptly replied.

- Yes, you "admire" him very much, of course. - Jun was nodding and grinning at the same time, and Nozomi really wanted to punch him.

- Oh. I understand. - Sora had stopped chuckling and started to observe her with an intense gaze.

Nozomi didn't know what he had understood, but she was afraid that he had sensed her feelings.

"Oh shit. He is indeed very perceptive. I have to be careful."

In spite of everything, the days passed marked by that new routine.
Nozomi was no longer even taking the book from the bag to follow the lesson, too busy thinking about anything else. After all, she didn't need to study things that she had already read the previous year, and the teachers no longer bothered to call her except to have her do exercises on the blackboard, to be used as examples for the whole class.

- Aren't you afraid that someone could steal your record? - Jun asked, he was worried. - If you still don't study, or at least don't review the stuff you studied years ago, you could make mistakes and get a lower grade. -
- Nah, don't worry. - Nozomi replied, checking the commitments on her smartphone. - No one has beaten me yet, I'm getting bored of constantly being the best student in the country. -
- So, do you want someone to surpass you? - He asked curiously.
- If there's such a person, it would be an interesting battle. –

After the break, the lesson started again and so the usual routine: the professor explained, all the students followed him, Nozomi was thinking and, every now and then, she curiously observed Sora.

They had now ascertained that he was a normal boy with no connection to the Mafia or whatever, and Nozomi wondered why that boy could have such a crackling and active flame without even knowing he had it.
Maybe he knew it, but he couldn't talk about that, maybe scared of what people might have thought of that strange skill.
However, she decided not to mention it.
The girl also decided to avoid getting into trouble, at least for some time. After the mess they have done in Canada in the previous months, she had promised her father not to create any more problems. She still was feeling guilty for her reckless actions.
Still, the underworld didn't leave her alone. Between those who wanted to take revenge, and those who wanted to act cruelly in the city without repercussions, thugs and mobsters continued to want to fight with her.

Lately some men saw her as a rival for their criminal actions. It was true that she and her guardians had acted as protectors of the law for some time, which is why she had become the number one public enemy of Namimori's thugs, thieves and criminal organizations.

- Nozomi ... maybe it's not good, they are just ordinary people ... - Haname always tried to make her reason, but Nozomi was adamant.
- They started with evil deeds, and I stopped them. They have also been to jail, but have not changed. Now they are here again with a revengeful attitude ... - the girl explained - Do you really think they will leave me alone if I ask them? -
- No, you're right, though ... –

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