Chapter 6 - Italia (year 18XX)

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- Girls, wake up! -

A female voice woke her up almost frightening her, echoing in the silence of the room between moans and the sound of sheets.
The first thing the amber eyes noticed was the dawn light that illuminated the room when a woman threw open the blinds.

She sat up reluctantly, rubbing her eyes, glancing at the other roommates. Giulia, the girl who slept closest to her, had already thrown herself out of bed with a big yawn, leaving the sheet on the floor.
She got up slowly, almost tripping over the other girl's sheet, adjusting her bed before approaching her chair and putting on the dress they had given her the day she arrived.

She kept remembering it despite the fact that more than a week had passed, she certainly couldn't forget the absurd way in which she had met her beloved, and that hour spent in the carriage.
She hadn't talked much, she was very embarrassed by the situation, in fact Giotto and G had often talked to each other about matters in which the girl did not want to meddle, and only every now and then the man turned to her to make sure she was okay and ask her something, to which Nozomi promptly responded with an embarrassed smile.
The arrival at the mansion had been uneventful, Giotto had taken her to the kitchens and entrusted her to Margherita, a woman in her forties with a round face and an affectionate expression. The woman had given her clothes and fed her, and finally went to rest in her new bed with the other girls, who were very curious about her story and how she came across Primo.
The next day, having woken up with the other roommates, Nozomi was guided into her new job and, fortunately, she could easily understand how the work needed to be done and what exactly she had to do.

Exactly like that day, in fact, after having dressed casually without even having been able to wash herself, something she only has done a few days ago and no more after it because that was how it worked at that time and they couldn't waste precious water, the girl went to the kitchen where she had to prepare the dough together with Martina, another of her companions, who never stopped telling stories she assured she had witnessed with her own eyes.

Shortly after, she was called to the laundry and quickly headed to the large, dark underground room, helped by other colleagues who were always very much in the mood to talk and gossip, sometimes talking about certainly not realistic situations.

The novelty of that morning was the garden: Margherita had asked Nozomi and Camilla to take care of the garden of the mansion, and under the summer sun the two were preparing to check the crops of wheat and the orange trees, which fruits were already been harvested the previous month. That day, the two had to start picking some lemons now ready to be partly sold.
Camilla climbed a wooden ladder and began to gently tear the lemons and passing them to Nozomi, who placed them in the basket.

The morning passed quickly, almost without realizing it. Their work was really long and did not even allow them to stop and think, because of this the days passed quickly and often Nozomi found herself at the table to have a quick lunch with the others without even knowing when she had arrived.
The topic of the day was the return of Primo: they were all anxious because five days had passed since he had left for Siracusa, obviously no one had any idea what he had to do there, but it didn't really matter. The important thing was that the owner was returning, and since everyone loved him, they couldn't wait for him to be present again in the mansion.

Shortly after, Giulia and Nozomi were washing the dishes.

The girl with black hair and gray eyes had always a look that might have seemed cold at times but she was actually not a bad person and you could understand that when she used to start talking with excitement. Being close to bed with Nozomi, she had begun to have a dialogue with her, and often talked about various things. Giulia had been the one who, more than any other, had asked about the First, and it was logical to understand why.

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