F i f t e e n | 15

631 33 14

z a c h

school had started back up and while practices ran late and people hung out together afterward, i found myself in different company.

the one of Jack Avery's naked Sexy body fitted against mine as my head fell against the pillow, him roughly slamming into me, eliciting high pitched winded moans from me as he kissed my throat. his hot lips parting as he sucked harshly on the sensitive skin.

i cried out wantonly, as his groans vibrated against my skin. his hips skipping along mine as his body tightened, his breaths leaking hot air onto my skin.

a large warm hand reached down and gripped my erection, pulling me closer to the edge as he slowly slid his hand up and down my shaft, his tight body slowly rocking into me.

"d-daddy i-i'm gonna-" i whined, my eyes clenched shut.

"just let go, princess" his gruff voice nipped at me and more pleasure courses into my veins. my body trembled as it followed his instructions, my cock leaking cum onto my belly.

"there you go. just like that. so good for me" he groaned, and i felt him release in me, collapsing against my chest, his tight muscles loosening.

after a few minutes of drifting off i pushed his sweaty body off of mine. he groaned in protest as i pulled myself out of bed. wincing at the twinging muscles in my back and the soreness in my ass.

this is nothing like how i felt after that party.

i showered quickly, giving him enough to get one and disappear before daniel came back from his outing.


school had been utterly boring all day. Jack had disappeared somehow and not gone to school despite living not even five minutes from his first class.

"so... how are things going with you and Jack?" dani asked me as i picked at my food, i shrugged, giving corbyn an annoyed look when he scoffed.

"it's good- i guess" i replied quietly.

"what do you mean? what's wrong?"

"it's just... all we do is have sex. he doesn't take me out or do anything fun with me. and it sucks" i sulked,

"well... ask him to take you out then" dani suggested. and as wonderful as that sounded, i didn't think that jack avery was in that you just asked out on a date.

but maybe, it was simply that easy.

the rest of the day flew by quickly, track practice overlapping slightly with volleyball. i was dead tired when i unlocked my dorm, throwing my stuff into the corner of the room, sighing when my phone buzzed.

u out of practice?

yes, i am. what's up?

just thinking about coming over. you good with that?

uh... sure. yeah that's cool, i wanted to talk to you anyway.

abt wut?

nothing serious, i'll tell you when u get here.

ok, wutever

i sat my phone down on the counter as i made my way to the kitchen to get a drink.

a couple minutes later Jack knocked and when i opened it, i was immediately hot with a blistering kiss. his hands quickly finding my hips as i was pulled closer.

this wasn't the plan.

"Jack" i pushed him away "not right now, i said i wanted to talk" i replied.

"damn. okay fine," he backed away- "what's up?"

"i just. well i was wondering- uh... i don't want us to be fuck buddies. i want- well i was thinking we could go on a date" i said quietly, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

"...i don't do dates" he said.

"yeah... but" he cut me off.

"if you're gonna get all attached i think maybe we shouldn't do this" then before i could even answer he had swiftly left my room again.

the next day at school was much like the previous, i moped about and jack didn't show up. i decided to stay in that night since there was no practice.

while i was lounging with daniel in the living room, watching a movie a knock came to the door.

"must be Jonah!" daniel bounced excitedly.

his expressions changing when hesww who was at the door.

"Jack. what are you doing here?" his voice laced with curiosity.

"i want to talk to zach" he replied.

T h i r d
"what are we doing here, Jack?" zach giggled as he struggled through the sand.

"just hang on, a little more this way....and we're here!" jack shouted in triumph. jack didn't know why he was so... happy. zach just made him forget about a lot of things. it had to be almost 5 am in the morning, and they were still out. they had gone to the arcade for a few hours and even got some pizza. Jack never took people out on dates or anything so this was new for him.

"jack, it's almost 5, you better make this quick! what are we doing?" said boy smiled smally at the shorter. how could he not oblige the other when asked to go on a date, zachs puppy eyes pleading with him.

zach herron was quickly becoming Jack Avery's weakness and that was dangerous.

"we're going swimming, duh" the older replied cheekily.

"what? no way! we have to
get back to the dorms. we'll be in so much trouble!" zach shrieked in laughter as he was hefted onto jacks shoulder.

"j! put me down. we can't go swimming. we just ate pizza. and i didn't bring any swim clothes." he complained, completely unaware of the way Jack Avery's heart switched tunes when he called him j.

"then, i guess we'll just have to swim naked!" the blond said, throwing the boy on his shoulder into the water before he had a chance to respond.

"j-jack!" the brunet sputtered as he came up gasping for air. "you-you ass!"

Jack only laughed, pulling off his clothes before diving in. zach's clothes ended up in a wet, sandy pile next to the blond's as i ventured deeper.

"jack" zach called out from
above the surface, to the seemingly empty expanse of deep blue ocean. his voice warped due to the water. the man had just disappeared.

zach swam out some more, screaming when something grabbed his ankle. he choked down some salt water as he fell beneath the surface thrashing and choking on the water.

Jack quickly realised what was happening and let go of zachs ankle, wrapping his arms around the boys waist and pulling them to the surface.

Zach gasped and coughed, pounding on jacks naked chest as tears began to stream down his face.

"baby, i'm so so sorry. fuck, i didn't mean too!" jack rushed, swimming them to shore. zach had stopped choking and was now just weakly gasping and crying, clutching to jack.

"i w-was so sc-scared. i thought i would die an-and id never get to see you again." he trembled and gasped, sighing when jack kissed his head. Zach had fallen head over heels with jack faster than what was healthy, but he didn't regret it.

"i-i love you Jack" but zach felt more than just disappointment when jack kissed his head again and said,

"i know, peach" but didn't say it back.

jack didn't feel guilty for not tell zach he loves him back. not guilty at all. but everytime he saw or talked to the boy, after that his stomach got all twisty and he felt like he would start crying at any minute.

and Jack Avery didn't cry.


i took my new anxiety meds so i'm like see tired despite it barely being 5 in the evening. i'm sorry of this is hella bad

𝙻𝚒𝚊𝚛 𝙻𝚒𝚊𝚛 ❀ 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚢Where stories live. Discover now