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BANG!! A loud thunder striked.

Jimin kept walking in the rain and stopped in the park. He shouted at the top oh his lungs not caring about anything.

JIMIN: Jungkook!!!!!!! Why? Why do you have to do this?


JIMIN: I told you not to call me (angry)

JK: H-Hyu

JIMIN: Don't talk to me

JK: H-Hyu-ung! (sobbing)

Jimin's heart stopped beating hearing Jungkook's sobbing and that's all it took to realize Jimin that he hurt the younger.

JIMIN: J-Jungkook-ah!!

JK: I-I-I a-am S-Sorry Hyung!!! (Sobbing)

JIMIN: Shhh! Calm down baby


JIMIN: Jungkook-ah what's that noise?

JK: I-I don't know

JIMIN: Where are you? (panicked)

JK: I-I have no I-idea.

JIMIN: What do you mean?

JK: I l-left c-cc-company to f-follo-w y-you bu-ut I-I l-lost.

JIMIN: O-Okay I am coming to you stay there baby

JK: No I'll come. I have got the taxi. Where are you?

JIMIN: I-I am at the park near home.

JK: O-okay

JIMIN: Be careful baby

Jimin kept fidgeting looking toward the road. Jungkook hadn't came yet and he was getting worried. Soon a taxi stopped and Jungkook stepped out. He walked toward Jimin while looking down.

JIMIN: Jungkook-ah (hugging him)

JK: Hyung!

JIMIN: Are you okay?

JK: nodded

JIMIN: I am so sorry. Hyung is sorry. I shouldn't have left you there. I am sorry.

JK: Why are you saying sorry? I am at fault.

JIMIN: Shh. We can talk this later. You don't have to say anything.

JK: I want to talk. (stepping away)

JIMIN: Jungkook-ah

JK: Don't call me that. It makes me feel stranger.

JIMIN: No, No baby you are no stranger. I said as I stepped closer. Oh God! Why I never realized how much I am hurting him?

JK: Why are you so nice to me? Get angry on me, shout on me.

JIMIN: I can't. I can't stay angry with you. You are my friend

JK: Is that all I am to you, a friend?

JIMIN: What is this all about? A stupid thing

JK: It's not stupid thing. I hurt you. I let you go away. You always loved me and I hurt you. Why are you nice? (Crying)

JIMIN: Hey baby don't. I am not angry even if I was it all went away. I can never see you cry. (wiping his tear)

JK: I am such an idiot. When I had you only for myself I pushed you away hyung and now you are not mine anymore.

JIMIN: I am yours. Here I am with you.

JK: Not like you are Suga Hyung's.

JIMIN: Suga Hyung? (confused)

JK: You love him right. You two are together now

JIMIN: Hey listen to me. we can talk about all this later. SUGA Hyung has nothing to do with me. You don't know the whole thing.

JK: Can't you see I love you.

JIMIN: And I love you too

JK: I don't love you like a brother, not like a friend. I love you like a guy. (tears in his eyes)


JK: You don't love me I know. You hate me because I hurt you. I am really bad and I deserve it but I can't help it..... Why didn't you wait a little longer for me? When you spent so much time waiting for me why not spend a little more? (Crying) Why did you give up on me? Why did you let go? Didn't you see how much I craved for you?Didn't you never noticed how much I wanted to be close to you? Why? Can't you say it to me that you still love me as much you loved me before.

Tears were streaming down from his cheeks. Jungkook was so lost in his confession that he didn't noticed Jimin closed the distance between them, held his hands and now is standing only a feet apart. Jimin without wasting a time slowly leaned closer and kissed him on lips. After sometime Jimin broke the kiss and looked toward wide eyed Jungkook.

JIMIN: I can never say that I love you as much as I loved you before. Because the truth is I don't love you the same amount.

JK: (Crying)

JIMIN: (cupping his chin to look him in the eyes) Because I had loved you more than the day before and I never stopped loving you.

JK: B-But Suga hyu....

JIMIN: He doesn't love me, he loves hobi hyung.

JK: (Holding Jimin's face while looking in his eyes) SAY IT ONE MORE TIME


Jimin couldn't finish his sentence as jungkook kissed him. Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck while deepening the kiss.

JK: You are more beautiful under rain Jimin-shi.

JIMIN: Am I ? Jimin said his lips still hovering over his lovers.

JK: Yeah

Jungkook pulled him for another kiss this time more passionately. Their lips fitted each other like pieces of puzzles. Jungkook's large hands wrapped around Jimin's small waist, holding him close and Jimin's arms wrapped around his neck deepening the kiss trying to transfer all the effection and love they had held for each other for years.

They kissed and kissed until they were a mess not caring if they are in park and making out.

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