Part 6: Tensions Bubble Over

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Jesse was confused. Out of the handful of people that she thought could be the intruder, Aiden was not one of them.

Petra glared at Aiden.

"Yeah, you better explain. Why the heck have you been sneaking around Soren's fortress? Did you follow Jesse into the End?" Petra interrogated.

"I didn't follow her. Why would I? Lukas is the one who's been sniffing around her like a tamed dog, not me," Aiden scoffed. Lukas crossed his arms and Petra narrowed her eyes.

"Shut up, you idiot. No one gets to get away with saying stuff like that to my friends! Lukas doesn't 'sniff around her like a tamed dog,'" Petra snapped.

"Oh, so he chases her like a little puppy?" Aiden snickered.

"Leave Lukas alone. I get that you're jealous that he'd rather spend time with Jesse than with you, but maybe if you'd start being nicer to people he'd hang out with you more," Romeo sighed. Aiden's eyes widened, then his expression became one of regret. Petra nodded and glared at Aiden.

"Yeah. So when you decide that being a jerk has gotten boring, you can come back," Petra muttered. Aiden went right back to aggression mode.

"I'm not a jerk!" Aiden shouted. Jesse seemed like she was going to explode from anger.

"You bullied Axel, Olivia, and I for seven years!" Jesse growled.

"You call a little bit of trash talk bullying? Grow a spine, Taber," Aiden grumbled.

"Are you kidding me? You set Reuben on fire!" Jesse retorted.

"Not on purpose!"

"Yeah, but you sure as heck released the lava that set him on fire on purpose!" Jesse yelled.

"I was aiming for your fireworks machine. Everyone was impressed even though it was a trash build, so I just had to make sure that something happened to it so a machine that actually deserved the win won the building competition," Aiden explained.

"So you destroyed Jesse, Axel, and Olivia's fireworks machine because you thought your build deserved to win more than theirs? Just listening to you makes me feel sick," Jack commented. Aiden rolled his eyes.

"What do you know? You're just some washed-up has-been treasure hunter," Aiden taunted.

"Jack is really cool and I really hoped he'd never meet you so he'd never have to put up with the crap that comes out of your mouth!" Petra fumed. Lukas clenched his fists and glared at Aiden.

"Aiden, I thought you were actually trying to change, but I was wrong. You're still the same egotistical, jealous bully that you've always been," Lukas hissed.

"I was trying to be nice! Your friends were the ones who started it!" Aiden screamed.

"We started it?!" Petra snapped. The arguing got even worse. Everyone- except for Romeo and Nurm, who were frozen in terror and couldn't even speak- was now roped into the fight.

"Aiden, you just push Maya and Gill around, and good leaders don't..." Lukas said angrily. He was instantly drowned out by Aiden.

"Don't try to act like you're some perfect and charming knight in shining armor. You pushed me around when you were the leader!" Aiden fumed. Lukas crossed his arms.

"Aiden, you know that's not true. I didn't..." Lukas sighed.

"YOU DID! YOU JUST REFUSE TO ADMIT IT! FACE IT, LUKAS, YOU'RE A CONTROL FREAK!" Aiden screamed. Romeo watched in horror as the animosity in the room grew.

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