Part 1: ...And No One Will Search the Lower Right

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Jesse, Romeo, Lukas, and Petra had gathered in front of Jesse's home. The morning sun was bright and Beacontown's streets were full of people. At first glance, it seemed like an ordinary day, but an important discussion was about to begin. 

Lukas, the writer of the group, had blue eyes and blonde hair. He wore light gray and black armor, brown shoes, and light gray goggles with black lenses.

Jesse's medium length dark brown hair was worn down, which complimented her green eyes. She wore a yellow hairclip, dusty red lipstick, and Swordbreaker- a blue, white, and yellow armor set that covered everything except her head.

Petra had shoulder length auburn hair and black eyes. She wore a striped turquoise bandana, a gold and blue short-sleeved armor dress- missing a sleeve on the right side, a black fingerless glove on her right hand, black boots, and a black long-sleeved shirt with her right sleeve rolled up.

Romeo had shoulder length bright red hair, a goatee, and black eyes. He wore a gray v-neck t-shirt, blue jeans, and red converse.

"Okay, guys. We need a game plan. The mystery letter we got yesterday told us to look for the next clue at the Temple of the Order of the Stone, but it didn't specifically tell us what room the next clue was in," Jesse explained.

"We could bring Jack and Nurm! They're really good at treasure hunting, so I bet they'd definitely be able to find a clue hidden somewhere in the Temple of the Order of the Stone," Petra suggested.

"Okay, I guess we're taking a detour. Jack and Nurm's Adventure Emporium, here we come," Jesse responded.

Jesse, Petra, Lukas, and Romeo soon arrived at Jack and Nurm's Adventure Emporium.

The emporium was made of oak wood and shaped like a pirate ship. Red and white striped sails were attached to the roof and a large sign- with the words "Jack and Nurm's Adventure Emporium" painted on it in white- rested above the shop's entrance.

Jesse, Petra, Romeo, and Lukas entered the adventure emporium. Treasures that had been collected on Jack's adventures were everywhere and there was no shortage of bookshelves. Romeo reached for a blue book with gold writing on its binding and pulled it out of one of the bookshelves.

"'The Admin: Fact or Fiction?' Wow, this book debates my existence," Romeo snickered. Lukas turned to Romeo... the book had definitely stirred up his curiosity.

"When was it published?" Lukas replied.

"Three years ago, back when there was no concrete proof that I existed. You know what, I think I'm going to read it. It seems interesting," Romeo decided. Lukas raised an eyebrow.

"What if it comes to the conclusion that you don't exist?" Lukas questioned. The corners of Romeo's mouth turned upwards.

"I'm definitely going to laugh. A lot," Romeo answered.

Jesse walked up to a sign with the words "press button for service" painted on it in white. A stone button rested on top of the counter that the sign was attached to.

"Okay, who wants to press the button?" Jesse asked. She gestured to the stone button, and then Petra approached the button and pressed it.

Petra blinked, and suddenly Jack was standing at the counter.

Jack had black eyes... but one of his eyes had gone blind, turned pale blue, and swollen shut. Jack liked to call the blind eye his "bad eye." His hair was dirty blonde and shoulder length and he had a short beard. He wore a blue vest, a shark tooth necklace with a black chain, black boots, light brown pants, and a black eyepatch over his bad eye.

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