Part 8: Our Heroes Try to Identify a Green Blob

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 Aiden moved his finger towards the glowing green stain on the paper.

"No no no! Stop! Don't touch that!" Jesse yelled. Aiden raised an eyebrow.

"Um... okay. Why not?" Aiden asked, clearly perplexed. Jesse was surprised and relieved that his response to her shouting at him was confusion instead of an angry retort. Maybe Romeo was right. Maybe Aiden actually was trying to be nice for once in his life.

"I found out the hard way that touching mysterious glowing stuff is never a good idea. The stain could be poison, acid, or something else really bad that you really shouldn't be touching," Jesse replied. Aiden bit his lip and nodded.

"Good point. Wait, you've touched mysterious glowing stuff before?" Aiden said.

"Yeah, she touched a glowing gauntlet thing. Didn't end well," Petra explained. Jesse tilted her head.

"I mean, did it though? We saved the day and everything turned out fine. Plus we saved a whole bunch of people from being locked up in the Sunshine Institute. And we saved Binta and her citizens from living in a wasteland. And we met Romeo," Jesse answered. Romeo gave her a grateful- yet bashful- smile. "None of that would have happened if I hadn't touched the gauntlet," Jesse realized.

"Now I'm confused. It kind of sounds like you changed your mind and you want me to touch the glowing stuff-" Aiden began.

"NO! Oh my gosh, at what point did you think I said 'sure Aiden, go ahead and touch the glowing death chemicals!'" Jesse groaned. Petra shrugged her shoulders.

"Actually Aiden, you can go ahead and touch it. If you want to die, be my guest. I'd still prefer if you didn't though because then we'd have the inconvenience of having to bury your body," Petra muttered. Aiden rolled his eyes.

Nurm pointed to the clue, turned to Jack, and said something in villagerese.

"'Fraid not, Nurmie," Jack sighed.

"What did Nurm say?" Lukas questioned.

"He asked me if I knew what the glowing stain was. Unfortunately I have no idea. I haven't seen anything like it on my many travels. Maybe Soren will know something about the stain. He's been adventuring for longer than I have," Jack said. Soren stared at Aiden for an awkwardly long period of time.

"Why are you staring at me?" Aiden asked nervously.

"That paper you're holding. I need it," Soren stated. Aiden raised an eyebrow, let out a sigh, and held out the clue to Soren, who took it from him. Soren squinted as he examined the glowing stain on the clue. "I'm afraid I don't know what this odd glowing slime is," Soren concluded.

"Maybe Ivor will know something about it. He's into potions, so he has experience with weird glowing stuff," Petra suggested.

"Good plan. Even if he doesn't know what the glowing green stain is just by looking at it, he's great with chemical analysis and he should at least be able to figure out some properties of it," Jesse agreed.

"Soren, can I have the clue back? I'm going to read it," Aiden said. Soren let out a sigh.

"This glowing green liquid is so fascinating that I wish I could stare at it longer... but I suppose I can return it to you," Soren responded. He held out the paper to Aiden, who took it.

"'Time for your last clue-'" Aiden began.

"That's a relief, because I'm getting sick of running all over the place to find freaking scraps of paper," Petra muttered. Romeo had a wide grin on his face.

"I think it's been fun," Romeo commented.

"Yeah, but you have a really messed up idea of 'fun,'" Petra retorted.

"Wait, what?! I don't have a messed up idea of fun. Anyone would enjoy watching people fight their way through a life or death situation, they just don't want to admit it," Romeo protested.

"Guys, I really want to finish reading this clue sometime today," Aiden interrupted. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "'Time for your last clue. Go to the home of the leader of Beacontown, the Hero in Residence. Following your heart is the key for this riddle. You can solve this final clue, in you I have confidence,'" Aiden read.

"Wow, this one is easy. There's no way anyone other than me is the leader of Beacontown, so the last clue is definitely at my house," Jesse piped up.

"These clues are never that easy. What about the whole 'follow your heart' thing? That probably means something, right?" Petra asked. Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh, it's probably just a different way of saying 'trust your gut.' I bet the person writing these clues felt sorry for us and decided to throw us an easy one," Jack replied.

"Okay, so we're heading back to my house to grab whatever it is that these clues have been leading us to," Jesse said. Petra raised an eyebrow.

"'We' meaning...?" Petra asked.

"Meaning anyone who wants to come except Aiden," Jesse explained.

"I know you hate me, but I can help," Aiden responded.

"Oh, 'help' like you helped the Founder by giving her completely untrue information that my friends and I were criminals, then kicking her off the edge of Sky City? Sign me up for that!" Jesse said sarcastically. Aiden glared at her.

"Sure, I bullied you. Sure, it was wrong. But can you just get over it already? I'm trying to do the right thing here, trying to be as nice as I possibly can, and you're holding some stupid grudge just because I said some hurtful stuff to you a long time ago," Aiden snapped.

"Just because you said some hurtful stuff to me a long time ago? Just because you said some hurtful stuff to me a long time ago? It goes way beyond that, jerk. Are you seriously forgetting that you stole the enchanted flint and steel from me? And that you lied to the Founder so she would throw my friends and I in jail? And that you unleashed an army of monsters on a city full of innocent people? Do you want me to tell you more? The list of crappy stuff you've done is so long that it would probably stretch across this entire room," Jesse retorted. Aiden's eyes widened.

"Jesse, can I talk to you in private?" Lukas asked.

"Uh... sure," Jesse answered. Lukas walked over to the other side of the room and Jesse followed him.

"Don't you think you're being a bit too hard on Aiden? Sure, he's a jerk. Sure, you can argue that he deserves whatever is coming to him. But you've gotta be the better person and not stoop to his level by being as nasty to him as he was to you. It's tempting to get your revenge by giving him a taste of his own medicine, but revenge won't be an instant cure for every time he's ever hurt you. It might feel good at first, but it'll do serious emotional damage to Aiden and to you in the long run. You don't have to forgive him, Jesse. You're allowed to be angry. You might not ever forgive him... and that's okay. But you have to stop being aggressive and confrontational," Lukas explained. Jesse let out a sigh.

"You're right. Things have been really rough recently and I've been taking it out on everyone. I'm really sorry for being mean to you, to Petra... and to every other person that I've been a jerk to," Jesse apologized. Lukas gave her a hug and she wrapped her arms around him. "Thanks for the advice, Lukas," Jesse added. Jesse and Lukas walked back to the group together as Jesse wondered if she would end up regretting what she was about to say.

Jesse took a deep breath, exhaled, and hoped for the best.

"Aiden, I've changed my mind. You're allowed to come with us," Jesse announced.  

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