Part 10: A Burning Problem

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"My revenge has finally arrived and it's exactly like I imagined. You're trapped just as I was. Ironic, isn't it? You'll either slowly starve to death or jump into the lava to end your suffering. You're so predictable, Jesse. You always stop to help people no matter how much valuable time it wastes. That's your weakness. That's how you fell into my trap," Cassie chuckled. Her voice- which was altered by her white pumpkin mask's voice modifier- was deep, menacing, and raspy.

"It's not a waste of time. I'm saving lives," Jesse answered.

"I never really understood the people who call themselves 'heroes.' There's no point in it. Even the greatest so-called hero has hardly made an impact on anything and failed to prevent many horrible events. You're either an idiot who thinks helping people will somehow make a difference or being a 'hero' is your own personal vanity project and you could care less about if you're actually fixing anything," Cassie replied.

"Hate to break it to you, but you're wrong. If the New Order of the Stone hadn't decided to be heroes, a lot of people who are alive right now would be dead and the world would be destroyed by the Witherstorm. Sure, there's some terrible stuff they couldn't prevent, but there was a lot that they actually did prevent. So shut up and examine the facts before you open your big mouth next time," Aiden argued. He turned to Jesse. "Jesse, she's just trying to throw you off. Ignore whatever crap she says," Aiden muttered. Lukas' eyes widened and then the corners of his mouth turned upwards.

"That's the Aiden I remember. Sure, he was short-tempered and a little prickly, but he was always there for his friends," Lukas commented. Aiden smiled at him.

"How touching. It's nice that you two mended your broken friendship before you met your end," Cassie smirked.

"Cassie, I understand you. You think that everyone in the world is against you and people will stab you in the back the first chance they get. And you use that as an excuse to not care about hurting people. You think they'd do the same thing to you and you're just fighting to survive in what you think is a cold and uncaring world. But the world isn't cold and uncaring. There are good people, I promise... you just have to look for them," Jesse explained.

Cassie narrowed her eyes and tightened her grip on her axe.

"You're lying to me," Cassie snapped. Jesse looked absolutely heartbroken and Romeo turned to Cassie.

"I'm still confused as to why you saved me from the crowd and then turned everyone on me later," Romeo said.

"I had to get you to trust me so you didn't suspect anything. I could have cared less if those people had beaten you to a pulp," Cassie responded. She drummed her fingers on her axe. "It's almost sad that the once-mighty Admin has been reduced to a pathetic weakling that can't hold his own against an angry crowd," Cassie added. Romeo took a step forward, glared at her, and clenched his fists.

"Oh, I'll show you-" Romeo growled. He was about to take another step forward to attack Cassie, but Jesse pulled him back by his hand.

"Careful. You're getting dangerously close to the lava," Jesse warned.

"I can burn now too? Really?" Romeo groaned.

"Yep. A lot of stuff that you could just shrug off before can kill you now," Jesse explained.

"Anyone have any ideas on how to get past the lava?" Aiden asked. Romeo tilted his head.

"Well, I could fly, but I don't think I'm strong enough to lift any of you. I'd also probably make it halfway across the lava, pass out, and fall to my death... so yeah, that isn't an option," Romeo answered.

"I don't think any of us have blocks that won't catch on fire, so we can't build a bridge," Jesse stated. Romeo's eyes lit up and he smiled.

"A bridge! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" Romeo chirped. Jesse raised an eyebrow.

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