Part 18: Shattered Glass

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Christine Doyle- a woman with green eyes and long, wavy brown hair that she wore down- sat on a sofa with a video game controller in her hands. She wore a dark green skirt, black leggings, black loafers, and a dark green sweater with a white and light green argyle pattern. In the back of her head was a dark green bow.

Her boyfriend, River, had side swept dark blond hair and light blue eyes. He wore a white t-shirt, a blue scarf, gray pants, and black sneakers. He also held a controller and sat on the sofa next to Christine.

A low pitched BLOOP came from the television in front of them.

"Why do I keep on dying?" River groaned. Christine giggled and smiled at him.

"Tales of the Shining Realm is a platformer game, silly. You're supposed to jump," Christine teased. River's cheeks went pink and he squirmed in his seat.

"I thought I was jumping," River said.

"Moving the joystick up doesn't make you jump. It's the X button," Christine explained.

"To be fair, we did just start playing this a few minutes ago. It makes sense that I don't have a grip on how it works yet, right?" River asked. Christine frantically moved her joystick around to dodge enemies.

"Of course it does, River. Don't be so hard on yourself," Christine explained. A series of three short, high pitched tones came from the television.

"Okay. I respawned. How much further to the checkpoint?" River questioned.

"I'm almost there. River, look out for the mad-gicians. They have long range attacks," Christine advised.

"'Mad-gicians'?" River echoed. Christine nodded her head.

"They're magicians that were given extremely powerful magic by the Dark Crystal, but were driven insane as a side effect," Christine replied. She moved her joystick forward and her eyes lit up. "I made it to the checkpoint!" Christine exclaimed.

River thought he heard something whizzing through the air, but he convinced himself he was just imagining it.

Christine's controller dropped and her body toppled over.

"CHRISSY!" River gasped.

Veeva bludgeoned a window with the flat side of her iron sword, shattering it to pieces. She entered the house through the hole where the window once was.

Tears pooled in River's eyes as he stared at Christine's limp body.

"Relax, she's not dead. If she was, there would be zero point in coming here. Unless I figured out how to animate corpses, but I don't have that kind of time, so..." Veeva trailed off. River glared at her.

"You can't just break into my girlfriend's house, knock her out, and then casually talk to me like nothing happened," River growled.

"I'd watch what I was saying if I were you. The way you worded that was just... yikes. The word 'can't' isn't grammatically correct in that context. That implies I'm not capable of breaking into your girlfriend's house, knocking her out, and then casually talking to you. Which is definitely not true because that's what I just did. A more accurate replacement for 'can't' would be 'shouldn't,'" Veeva replied. She picked up Christine, a feat that was putting a small amount of strain on her muscles. Christine looked like a rag doll in Veeva's arms and her hair cascaded downward like a waterfall.

River was frozen in place, unsure of what to do. He left his iron sword at home and he knew Veeva would be long gone by the time he had fetched it.


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