Part 9: Your Departure Has Been Postponed Due to Unexpected Complications

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 "Really? You're letting me come with you?" Aiden questioned. Jesse let out a sigh.

"Yeah. I'm not exactly excited about it, but I decided I'd give you another chance," Jesse replied. A tiny smile appeared on Aiden's face.

"It's been fun, but I have to stay here and continue my enderman research," Soren stated.

"Soren, I know you think cutting yourself off from the world will make everything easier, but you have friends that miss you. If you don't want to come with us, that's fine, but could you at least send Ivor a letter? He's been looking for you," Jesse insisted. Soren grinned at her.

"My fellow members of the Order of the Stone really miss me? And Ivor's been looking for me?" Soren asked. Jesse nodded and the corners of her mouth turned upwards. "Why, that's just... that's absolutely delightful. They really do care. I will certainly send Ivor a letter," Soren gushed.

"You guys ready to head out? I'm really excited to see what this last clue leads us to," Lukas commented.

"A trap. It's going to lead us to a trap," Petra quipped. Lukas rolled his eyes.

"I really don't think it's a trap. If all of this was a trap, the... uh, trapper would've already tried to trap us by now instead of going to the trouble of writing all these clues," Jesse explained.

"But they could just be toying with us so they have some fun before they attack," Romeo said.

"That sounds extremely creepy," Jack shuddered.

"I know this sounds weird coming from me, but I agree with Jesse. I doubt someone would waste this much time. They really could've already attacked earlier," Aiden piped up. Jesse adjusted her hairclip.

"I think we should split up. Jack, Nurm, and Petra can take the green stain sample to Ivor while Aiden, Ro, Lukas, and I look for the last clue," Jesse decided. Aiden ripped off the stained piece of the clue and held it out to Jack.

"I think you'll be needing this. For your part of the... mission thing," Aiden said. Jack raised an eyebrow, nodded slowly, and carefully took the ripped off piece from Aiden.

"Yeah. 'Mission thing,'" Petra snorted. Aiden looked extremely embarrassed.

"I'm kind of confused as to why I'm with Jesse's half of the group. I thought she'd take any chance she could get to get rid of me," Aiden pointed out. Jesse placed a hand on her hip.

"I want to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything stupid," Jesse explained. Aiden glared at her.

"It was an honor meeting you, Soren," Jack said.

Jesse, Petra, Jack, Nurm, Lukas, Aiden, and Romeo exited the room and walked down Soren's stairs.

"Jesse, I feel really tired and I think if I walk any more my legs are gonna give in. Can we rest before we walk to the portal?" Lukas sighed.

"Of course you can, Lukas. Just be careful," Jesse answered. Lukas sat down on the End stone ground. "Sorry it's not the most comfortable place to sit ever," Jesse apologized.

"No, it's fine." Lukas massaged his rear end.

"He's lying to make you feel better," Romeo pointed out.

"Yeah, I realized that. Thank you, Captain Obvious," Jesse snickered. Aiden took off his jacket, laid it out next to Lukas, and smoothed out the wrinkles. Lukas raised an eyebrow.

"Aiden, what are you doing...?" Lukas questioned.

"I'm laying out my jacket. It's so you can sit on it. So the ground is more comfortable," Aiden said awkwardly. He paused for a moment. "That's a thing nice people do, right?" Aiden asked.

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