Part 22: A Legend of the Sea

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"Wait, so the final clue isn't here?" Lukas asked.

"Yep, and I can't believe I completely freaking overlooked the 'follow your heart' piece of the riddle. I think it's in my old treehouse. I definitely consider that place to be 'home' more than anywhere else," Jesse answered.

"That makes sense. There's a saying that 'home is where the heart is,'" Lukas responded.

"We'll head there now and, uh..." Jesse gestured to her messy room. "...I'll clean this up later," Jesse decided.

"I'm kind of worried about Romeo. It's been hours. He should've met up with us by now," Aiden pointed out.

Romeo and Lizzie suddenly appeared in Jesse's bedroom, surrounded by purple teleport particles that quickly faded.

Jesse's eyes widened, Lukas flinched, and Aiden nearly tripped over his own feet.

"Did I startle you?" Romeo asked.

"Yeah! You did. Why didn't you use the front door?" Lukas replied.

"The door to the house was locked," Romeo explained. Lukas inhaled deeply and let out an exasperated sigh.

"You could've knocked or rang the doorbell," Lukas responded.

"I hadn't considered that. Oh well, at least my entrance was eye-catching and dramatic. That's honestly how I prefer to make an entrance anyway," Romeo said. Jesse raised an eyebrow.

"So... what's Lizzie doing here?" Jesse questioned. Lizzie rearranged her hair, making sure that her head fins were covered.

"It's a long and very weird story. On a completely unrelated note, I've been really interested in water-related legends lately. Do you guys know any?" Lizzie said awkwardly. Romeo slapped a palm to his forehead.

"Sure, I know a few. There's the Guardian's Curse, the Nautilus Shells, and Ocean Folklore. And I guess there's the Sea Temple, but that one I feel kind of weird talking about since the guy who built it is standing in the same room as us," Lukas explained.

"Plus you go over the legends about it in one of your upcoming books, and you don't want to give the information away for free," Jesse pointed out with a knowing smirk on her face.

"I'm starting to regret my decision to let you read all of my drafts," Lukas sighed. The smile tugging at the corners of his mouth said otherwise.

"Why, because I can tell when you're doing some shameless self promotion?" Jesse teased. Lukas smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, the Guardian's Curse is pretty neat because it's about the origin of the Guardians and why they're so protective of their treasure. The Nautilus Shells tells the story of a fisherman and a merchant's daughter that live on opposite sides of an ocean, but refuse to let the ocean come between their love. Ocean Folklore is definitely the oldest legend, and it's a tale of ancient sea dwellers who ruled over the ocean," Lukas explained. Lizzie's eyes widened.

"Hang on. Could you tell me the full story for Ocean Folklore? It, uh, sounds really interesting," Lizzie requested.

"Sure, but after that we have to get back to searching for this last clue, okay?" Lukas responded. Lizzie nodded her head. "Thousands of years ago, there was a strange amphibious creature that commanded the oceans. The creature had the head of a codfish, the body of a salamander, four small webbed feet, and a long tail. The creature was lonely for centuries... but one day it decided to lay some eggs on a rocky island, in hopes of having children that could keep it company. Unfortunately, before its children could be born, the creature began to wither away and died shortly after. Without their mother to keep watch over them, the eggs were completely unprotected. As time passed, most of the eggs were destroyed or eaten by ocean predators. All that was left was a large, pristine egg and a small, damaged egg. The large egg was the first to hatch and from it emerged an amphibious being with colorful fins. The amphibious being scooped up the small, damaged egg and held it closely to protect it. It disappeared into the cold ocean, never to be seen again," Lukas said.

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