Part 15: Experimentation

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Veeva was extremely disappointed with the numerous failures she'd encountered.

Every time she thought she'd perfected the serum and mixed it with human blood to see how it would react, something undesirable happened.

On the first test, the blood sizzled and dried up. On the second test, the blood clotted, which would result in clogged up veins and ceased blood flow. Her most recent test, the third, resulted in the blood exploding.

Now- in the aftermath of the third test- Veeva had specks of blood on her face, arms, and clothes.

Veeva had black hair tied into a low ponytail and black eyes. She wore red lipstick, a red v neck t-shirt, black leggings, black boots, and a golden v shaped circlet tiara.

"Great. Now I'll have to wash this blood off, go back to the drawing board, and steal more blood bags," Veeva thought.

Hit the Target had pointed out that it was easier and much less of a risk to extract blood from the citizens they had kidnapped. Veeva's answer was a resounding "no."

"I can't drain their blood. They're already experiencing emotional pain and I don't want to make them suffer more by adding on physical pain. It's hard for me to look at them. I just get this... awful feeling in my stomach. Like it's churning," Veeva had explained.

Hit the Target looked slightly irritated when Veeva had stated her decision, but reluctantly agreed.

Veeva wiped the specks of blood off her face with her hand.

While working on a serum to merge human DNA with monster DNA, she felt trapped in her own personal horror story.

She knew it was wrong to try to mold genetics like clay, but she had to do this for Hit the Target so she wouldn't disappoint him. He wanted an army of superpowered beings. She had to deliver.

Maybe if she succeeded, he'd finally be able to spend a day with her. She smiled just thinking about it.

Veeva knew Hit the Target cared about her, he just didn't have a lot of time to show it.

Even if Veeva had to carry out tasks that made her feel uncomfortable, it was worth it to reach their goal of a perfect world. Hit the Target would take over and fix everything.

Still, an inkling of doubt lingered within her. She felt constantly miserable and wondered if she'd be happier if she left Hit the Target.

"No. Stop accusing him. It's your fault for being so clingy. It's not his fault he's busy. He's going to have more time for you at some point, just not yet. You just have to be patient," Veeva thought.

The clock was ticking, so she decided she'd work on a new modified batch of the serum and then clean herself up.

After a few hours of work, she finished the serum by adding the final ingredient- liquidized phantom eyes- into the bottle. Hit the Target arrived to check on her progress, eyeing her test tubes.

Hit the Target had pale green skin, eyes that were completely black, gray hair, and a gray mustache. He wore a red and black striped long sleeved shirt, red and black striped pants, an open gold vest, and dark red shoes.

Hit the Target had a handsome face that looked like it had been chiseled by a sculptor, so he was certainly good looking despite his strange eyes and skin. His appearance was attractive and chilling simultaneously. He was older than Veeva- who was twenty three years old- by a year.

"Hello Veeva. How is the serum coming along?" Hit the Target asked.

"I just finished version four of it," Veeva replied.

"Excellent. You've done some great work," Hit the Target said. He grabbed the bottle of serum and slowly twirled it around to examine it. The glowing green serum sloshed around inside of the bottle as Hit the Target inspected it thoroughly. "Could you inject it into one of the Ravena siblings?" Hit the Target questioned.

Veeva bit her lip.

"It's not ready yet. I haven't tested it. I need more time," Veeva explained.

"We don't have more time. Jesse and her friends are very capable and unfortunately are standing in our way instead of working with us. The longer we wait to put this plan into action, the more our odds of success decrease," Hit the Target insisted. Veeva let out a sigh.

"I understand. I'll administer the injection," Veeva agreed reluctantly. She walked to the holding cells where the three Ravena siblings resided.

Colton had messy black hair and green eyes. He wore a blue hoodie, blue jeans, and black converse.

Nisha had long black hair- which she wore down with a small braid that wrapped around the back of her head- and green eyes. Her outfit consisted of a short sleeved layered white dress with ruffles at the bottom and wavy red sleeves, a green leaf necklace, a green bracelet, a red flower hairclip, and red sneakers.

Kali, the oldest of the three, had green eyes and black hair that had been given a pixie cut. She wore a long sleeved pale green turtleneck, black jeans, black three inch high heels, and a silver crescent moon necklace.

Veeva pulled a sleeping dart out of her inventory.

"If you hurt any of my little siblings, you're going to pay," Kali snapped.

Veeva shot Kali with the sleeping dart and Kali dropped to the ground, unconscious.

"You're one of the most despicable people I've ever met! Do you hear me?! Answer me! Stop being a coward!" Nisha yelled to Veeva.

Veeva closed her eyes tightly as she tried to block out Nisha's angry shouting. Colton didn't say a word and was frozen in place, unable to move.

Veeva picked Kali up and laid her on top of a medical table. She filled a syringe with the serum, then injected it into Kali's bloodstream.

Frayed dark indigo bat-like wings sprouted out of Kali's back. Her eyes shot open and were now a glowing green.

But the change that truly terrified Veeva was that Kali's eyes looked colder and devoid of empathy. She checked Kali's brain scan, which showed frontal lobe damage.

Veeva's mouth dropped open.

"I... I can't do this again. Not without knowing for sure that I've perfected the serum," Veeva stammered. Hit the Target's eyebrows lowered.

"Well, one is enough for now. You have some time," Hit the Target responded. It was obvious that he was annoyed by the delay. He turned to Kali. "Kali, for your first assignment I'd like you to... dispose of Xara. Show her what happens when she refuses to join us," Hit the Target said.

Kali grinned and there was a cruel glint in her eyes.

"Sounds fun," Kali replied. 

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