I Love You

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Of all the words I thought would come out of his mouth after that kiss, the words 'I love you' were not one of them. 

I thought I was the only one of us that felt that deeply about the other. I had come to terms with the fact that despite all my insecurities, Dax had feelings for me. I mean, he did kiss me. But, I didn't know he loved me back. I knew I loved him. There was no doubt. I couldn't explain it. As cliché as we were the whole 'his smile lights up my world' doesn't cut it, it's deeper than that, and I myself could never begin to describe it. I just love him.

"Dax I-"

"Alright kiddos, visiting time is officially over, our other patients have to get to sleep."

Great. Perfect timing.

"Can we just have one more minute?" Dax asked, obviously interested in what I was just about to say.

"No, I'm sorry, but visiting hours are only in a few hours, you can come back then sweetie," the nurse said as she turned to me.

I was unable to get another word out before the nurse had grabbed my arms and practically dragged me out of the hospital room. Once we were outside I realized I hadn't given Dax his gift. Let's just say that kiss gave me the confidence to actually give it to him.

"Uh," I turned to the nurse whilst pulling the book out of my bag, "is there any chance you could give this to Dax? It's a, um, late Christmas present."

"Sure sweetie, head home and get some rest, I'm sure I'll be seeing you in a couple of hours."

"Thank you, see you soon," I said with a polite smile.

I headed back to Dax's car, and got back into the drivers seat. Thank God his phone had disconnected from the radio. I went to put my bag in the passengers seat when I noticed a greasy looking McDonald's bag on the floor. Laughing, I picked it up to look at the still warm contents. I went to check the receipt to make sure he ordered our usual and I noticed something strange written on the bottom.

Written in his crappy handwriting was the message 'Hey, this is really cheesy, no pun intended, I could have just told you this myself but this is my backup plan in case I'm too much of a wuss to actually voice these words. Anyways, I just wanted you to know, I'm in love with you. I really love you. Like a lot. It's weird I know. Finger's crossed that you even have a small crush on me. Let me know what your thinking. I can imagine how awkward it must be for me to be watching you read this. Um, yeah. Bye. Love you - Dax'

I put the receipt in my bag to make sure I'd never lose it. This is proof that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. He really does love me. And I didn't say it back. Why am I so stupid. I can't just text him, that's not good enough. He obviously had planned this all out, despite the how breaking-his-arm thing. The book will take care of it.


Dax's POV ( book time hehe)


"Come in."

"Hi honey, your girlfriend left this for you said it was a late Christmas present," my nurse said while handing me a hand made small book.

"Uh," I said slightly flustered, "she's not my girlfriend."

"Well, it sure looks that way. Anyways, my shift is almost up and your new nurse will be here soon, have a good night sweetie."

"You too, thank you," I said as she smiled then left.

I opened the book to find a handwritten note from Y/N.

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