How Do We Fix This?

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Dax's POV (yes we're still in his head)

"Where are you going young man!"

"Out, bye Lana."

"You can't just walk away from me Dax, who are you going to see!"


I walked out the door to my truck trying to tune out the screams of Lana's anger and confusion. It was not helping my already pissed off state to say the least.

I got in my truck to look over and see Lana glaring daggers at me from the front step. I don't care what she thinks though. I can't be the one in the wrong here. Can I?

Shaking off the thought, I put the car in drive and headed for the park.


Lana's POV (betcha didn't see this one coming)


That little bastard.

He's such an idiot. Boys are idiots.

First he thinks that Y/N is the only one who did wrong here. Like hello buddy, she wouldn't do this without reason, and you didn't even try to win her back. I mean he may love the girl but he surely doesn't know what the f*ck to do about it. I may as well try to date the girl myself.

So he thinks he can just drive away, and get away with it. Hell no kid, you've got another thing coming.

I hopped in my Volkswagon beetle and drove as quickly as I could to get to the park. I needed to see what this absolute dumbass was gonna mess up next. I'm his big sister, I'm just looking after him, even though it's really Y/N I'm looking after.

I pulled into the parking lot and began to look around.

He couldn't have gotten far... You've got to be f*cking kidding me. Not this b*tch again.

I found Dax sitting on the grass next to Bea Moon. What a stupid name.

This girl has been coming over to our house for years, uninvited I might add. It's always been pretty obvious that she has a monstrous crush on Dax. And sadly Dax is just too polite and naïve to tell her that he's not interested. She constantly hangs around him in school too, it's nauseating. Something tells me she might have had something to do with this whole Y/N thing.

And that's when I had an epiphany. Y/N L/N here I come.


Y/N's POV (I know finally right)


3 hours.

I've been crying into my pillow for 3 hours.

At least I had music. 

Well, it helped until Poison and Wine started playing (I'd listen to the song if I were you ;))

This sucks. I miss Dax. And it's only been a day.

Someone knocked at the door.


I ran to the bathroom and freshened up as quickly as I could. Sadly, the knocks got more urgent and louder so I had to keep halfway through brushing my hair.

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