He's Mine

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So let's do a little timeline since we last saw each other:

October 19: My birthday, Dax brought me a birthday cake frenzie from Friendly's (I may or may not have developed a huge crush on him)

October 31: I dressed up as Kim Possible for Halloween, Dax didn't know who I was. I almost ended the friendship - or whatever we have - right there

November 1: I forced Dax to start Kim Possible

November 20: Dax finished Kim Possible. He didn't say it but I know he loved it.

November 26: Thanksgiving Day. My parents were home today. We went to my aunt's house, and for the first time in a while I felt really close with my family. It was weird not having dinner with Dax with me, I just gotten so used to it.

December 1: Dax's birthday, I found out that he didn't make the cutoff and he was actually a year older than me so he turned 18. I got him a collage of all the restaurants that he bought me food from. It took forever to remember all of them. He loved it. God, I thought I was on a frickin rollercoaster with all the butterflies that smile he gave me that night.

December 3: After a really nice dinner I realized I had BIG feelings for Dax. Oops.

December 10: That's today!

Since it's been getting colder, the dinner's have been uncomfortable to say the least. I'm surprised I haven't had to go to the hospital for hypothermia yet. I turned to Dax where we sat eating on the curb.


"Y/N?" He said repeating my question.

"I'm cold."

"Well, damn Y/N, I can't control the weather." (side note if you understand this reference I love you)

I laughed. "Very funny. But I'm very serious. How would you feel about doing dinners at my house instead?"

Did I just invite Dax to my house? I mean were friends, but does he like me enough to eat at my house? Would it be awkwar-

"Uh, earth to Y/N?"

I recomposed myself. "Yeah, sorry I got lost in thought," I said slightly embarassed.

He laughed. "You sure do do that a lot," he said with a smile, then continued, "but anyway, I said I think that's a good idea. It's getting way to cold out."

"Great," I said, "I'll text you my address tomorrow."

"Sounds good, I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow," he said as he got up.

"K," I said as I had a sort of epiphany.

I smiled and said, "Sayonara amigo."

He blushed and waved goodbye to me as he got in his car and drove.

Did he blush? Does he like me? No that's stupid. He probably just found it funny or I surprised him or something.

I ignored the weird thoughts running through my mind and got up and started the walk back home with the most idiotic smile on my face.


The next day, I had gotten home from school and decided to do some of my homework for the weekend, until someone knocked on my front door.

I thought Dax was just early, but boy was I wrong.

I opened the door with a friendly smile, but I was greeted with the most unfriendly one I've ever seen.

"We need to talk."

I recognized the girl vaguely. I had seen her hang around Dax a lot. He's never mentioned her I don't think. She was pretty. Tall, toffee colored skin, thick and sleek deep brown hair. What I didn't know was why she was at my door.

"Um, about what exactly?" I was so unbelievably confused.

"Dax. I don't mean to sound super cliché here, but just stay away from him. I have been working my way towards asking him out for years, and then you come into the picture and he barely has time for anyone except for you. You seem like a nice girl, but this just doesn't seem fair to me."

I couldn't say anything, I was trying to comprehend what this girl had just said. Before I could get a thought out she started talking again.

"Look, I don't want to be mean about this, but I think it's necessary," she looked down at me in the most menacing way possible, "I would stay away from him if I were you. I still have friendship status with him, that's way higher than yours. I could easily tell him something just awful about you and ruin any chance you have of winning him back."

With that statement she left, leaving me stunned. I don't know what to do.

By giving up dinners I'd be losing him anyway, but if I keep seeing him I'll lose him and he'll despise me. No matter how much it hurts, there's obviously only one viable option.

I have to call it off.

hehe. ur welcome. thanks for reading, see ya soon.

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