It's Over

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It's ringing.

I took a deep breath. I need to find the courage to do this.


Crap. I'm toast.

"H-Hey Dax."

"Hey Y/N, you sound kind of upset, is everything ok?"

Why does he have to be so sweet? I can't do this. But you have to.

Ugh, stupid brain.

"Um, yeah, I um- I have to cancel dinner tonight," I said abruptly.

"Oh, that's ok, I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

Yeah that's not happening. Just tell him-

"Yeah totally," I said not meaning it in the slightest.

"Bye Y/N."

"Bye," I hung up.

I'm so pathetic. Why couldn't I just break it off?

Because you like him. You just don't want to admit it.

Trying to ignore the argument going on inside my head, I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch to watch Julie and the Phantoms. (p.s. if you haven't watched this show, watch it right now plz, and thx)


The next day didn't make things any easier.

It was a Saturday so I had nothing to occupy my time other than thinking about how I was going to tell Dax that we couldn't do dinner anymore. Maybe I shouldn't be stressing about it. Maybe he doesn't care about the dinners as much as I do. Maybe he just sees them as an obligation now. He doesn't want to let the poor girl with no one to take care of her to go hungry. Well, even if that's not true, I'm gonna pretend it is.

At around 2 o'clock I got the strength to pick up the phone.

I dialed Dax's number as slowly as I possibly could.

You can do this.

"Hello," I could hear the smile in his voice. Why does he have to make this so freaking hard?

I couldn't get any words out. How am I even supposed to phrase it?


"We can't do dinners anymore," I blurted out before I could form a proper thought.

"Huh? Why-"

"Look, I kinda can't explain, but I don't think that we should have dinner together anymore. You know I found out there's this thing called ordering food to be delivered," I internally laughed at my joke while Dax stayed silent, "Anyway, I don't want to burden you anymore so I'm setting you free."

I couldn't believe how present the tears were in my voice.

"Y/N, I don't want to be set free. I like having dinners, and in no way are you a burden. If you just tell me what's wrong I-"

"I'm fine," I said more aggressively than I intended, "I'm fine, but it's over, whatever this is."

I hung up.

I did it.


Dax's POV (ur welc hehe)


I was mad to say the least. But it was more than that, it was like a whole mix of emotions.

I was angry at Y/N for thinking that this decision wouldn't affect me. I'm setting you free. I call bullshit. These dinners were the highlight of my days. I was upset that she called it off. These dinners meant a lot to me, and I thought the were special to her too. I thought I was special to her like she's special to me. I confused. She sounded so conflicted on the phone. If she didn't really want to do it, then why did she? She said she couldn't explain, which means that something caused this, but what? I was annoyed by the fact that she wouldn't let me get a thought out. Maybe if I had told her how much this all meant to me, she would have reconsidered. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. And finally, I was afraid. Afraid that I'd never make her laugh again, afraid that she wouldn't have anyone to talk to. Afraid that I was going to lose Y/N forever.

God, how in the hell do I miss her already?

I knew I had a crush on Y/N, and I thought I made it kind of obvious too. I mean for God's sake, I buy her dinner every single night.

I went downstairs and sat on the couch next to my sister, Lana.

"Geez, what's got you in a mood," she glanced at the time, "aren't you supposed to be at Y/N's right now?"

Ever since I started coming home from dinner with a smile on my face every night, which was only about a day after I started eating dinner with Y/N, my sister started questioning me about it. After about 3 weeks of her annoying me, I finally told her about Y/N. She was ecstatic. Lana was the one who made me realize I had a crush on Y/N. So I told Lana everything that went down tonight.

"You are such an idiot."

"Um, excuse me, she's the one that broke it off."

"Why are men so incompetent. She obviously didn't want to, but felt the obligation to do it. And don't give the 'she hung up on me' crap. Because there's this thing called texting where, unless a person block you, they can't ignore the message. You, aka dumbass, could have told her oh I don't know, 'hey if you ever want to talk about it I'm here for you' because you're so desperately in love with her."

As I rolled my eyes and started to respond to my sisters rant, my phone rang. I picked it up just to spite her.


"Hey are you free tonight?"

"Yeah, my schedule actually just cleared up."

"The park?"

"Sounds great. See ya there."

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