Christmas Ornaments and Broken Arms

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Dax's POV (oooooo drama, not really)


I shouldn't have given her that gift. If she's really mad at me it's not gonna change anything. Right?

I just hope she meets me. I just need to talk to her.

Maybe even tell her how I feel. I mean there's a New Year's kiss for a reason.


Y/N's POV (wow that was fast)


I was going to meet him. I don't care about Bea. I don't care about anything besides the fact that I haven't talked to the one person that can make me smile despite everything in almost 2 weeks. And I've barely smiled since. Until I got this gift.

I was going to meet him.

But, I feel like I should get him a gift too. But what, all the stores are closed for a couple of days, at least today and tomorrow. And what would I even get him if I went to the stores. A gift card? He deserves so much more than that. I can't let him show me up. Not this time.

And that's when it hit me, "it started with a cheeseburger". That's it!

Time to break out the laptop.


Time skip (8 hours, it's now 1 am, Christmas morning)


I'm done. I'm finally done.

The story's only 20 pages but I was overthinking literally everything. I can't believe that I'm going to give this to him. What if he hates it. What if he hates me? Okay, now I'm being stupid. He wouldn't invite me to meet him if he hated me, right?

What if he only wanted to meet me so he could murder me in the parking lot? For all I know he might try to kill me with a tainted hotdog.

Whatever, I need to go to bed. I hope I can sleep without dreaming of my crush murdering me. Not likely.


Shhhhhhhhh. She's sleeping.


I woke up to my mother bouncing up and down like a child on the left side of my bed.

"Come on! Come on! It's Christmas!"

"I know mom," I said half-asleep whilst laughing, "God, you'd think that I'm the mother."

"Oh shut up and come eat breakfast," she said while rolling her eyes and walking out of my room.

I pulled off my covers and fixed up my Christmas pajamas as I headed downstairs to find a heaping stack of pancakes on the table. PANCAKES! I can't remember the last time I had pancakes, let alone breakfast with my parents. I missed them. Even though there pretty absent in my life, they're some of the best parents a girl can ask for. It's nice to have something to smile for again that's not Dax.

"So," my mom started as I started to sit down, "who's Dax?"

I fell off my chair. Full force. Fell off my F*CKING CHAIR. I think I bruised my tailbone. Thanks mom.

It Started with a CheeseburgerWhere stories live. Discover now