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    "Don't rely on your eyes," Cole said, holding a scythe in his hands. "Use your ears."
    Lloyd was currently in the middle of the box with each ninja in a corner. Cole had his scythe, Kai had his sword, Jay had his nunchucks, and Zane his his shurikens.
    "Uh, guys, I'm teaching a class later, so I'd appreciate a clean dojo." Darreth said, pushing his bead curtains to the side.
    "That is not a promise they can make." (Y/n) said, sitting on one of the balance poles. She had finally left her room after a few tiering hours. She has been looking into the future all night, trying to find what had changed the balance. Sadly, she has not found anything.
    "Ah!" Jay screamed as he flew out of the window Darreth opened to prevent more damage.
    "Told you." (Y/n) pointed to some green fire Lloyd had created, that was currently burning the floor. "I suggest you put that out before this entire place goes up in flames.
    "Hey guys! Let me in!" Jay yelled from the window.
    "Just use the door!" (Y/n) yelled back.
    "Ho ware you feeling, (Y/n)?" Cole asked, walking over to the teen. "You locked yourself in your room all night, and you look like you're sleep deprived."
    "I'm alright," The girl waved it off. "Just doing some research. Sadly I have not found anything on why the balance has tipped so greatly towards evil. I do hope I will be able to find the answer."
    "Any chance we can be of some assistance?" Zane asked, walking over.
    "I do not believe you would be much help if you are unable to look into the future." (Y/n) laughed a little. "Besides, I don't think you would understand the stories and visions my family writes in this journal."
    "I'll take a crack at it." Kai said, and took the journal off of (Y/n)'s lap. He opened the book, with the other four, non counting Jay, took a look at the entries that were marked with sticky notes. They read the first entry, and it looked like their brain had broke. "How did you mom see almost 20 years into the future?!"
    "Your grandfather knew about the Dark island reappearing, almost 40 years ago." Zane said.
    "How the heck do you guys piece all of this together? There's almost 30 sticky notes just for what's happening now?" Cole asked, feeling like his brain just broke even more.
    "You guys have one complicated ability." Lloyd said.
    "Told you." (Y/n) let out a small laugh.
    Suddenly, the ground started to shake.
    "Someone should go turn the TV on," (Y/n) suggested. "Now."
    "NGTV reporter Gayle Gossip on the scene of what appears to be an earthquake rocking the city of Ninjago." Gayle said, who was standing in the Parkin the city. "But it's an earthquake like no other, as scientists have yet to pinpoint the cause. And more fighting still, the aftershocks are getting stronger."
    "What do you think this could be?" Cole asked his fellow Ninja, now including Jay.
    "Would've be surprised if it was Garmadon." Kai rolled his eyes. "We haven't seen him for a while."
    "He would never." Misako walked forward. "Lloyd's father is evil but he would never do anything to put his son in harm's way."
    "Misako's right." Sensei Wu confirmed what she was saying. "He only tried to thwart his training. This is something else."
    "But what is it?" Jay asked.
    Zane whistled for his Flacon, who somehow showed up inside. He walked towards the window, intending to let the Falcon lose. "My friend, be my eyes and look for danger in the streets from above." And the falcon flew off.
    "We really should be careful," (Y/n) said, getting off the pole and landed on her bad ankle, still trying to strengthen it. "You should all be careful. I sense something from underground shall be rising, something that should not be rising. Be prepared, we don't know who or what shall be coming."

    (Y/n) is currently with the other Ninja after they saved a women trying to get her dog.
"Sensei, it is as we feared," Zane said, taking his hand off of his eyes after using the Falcon to help him see what may have been causing the problems. "Another Stone Samurai Warrior is loose on the streets."
"We have company," (Y/n) said, and jumped up, and held her staff above her head. She swung it down, and hit whatever was coming up from the ground. "We have to get out of here."
"We are under attack." Sensei held his own staff out in self defense with Misako behind him.
"What about the people?" (Y/n) asked, kicking one of the warriors back under ground. "The people are in a panic, and what happens when people panic?"
"They shrivel up and cry?" Jay asked.
(Y/n) hit him on the top of the head with her staff. "No, they run, they scream, and they don't think. Meaning, they are sitting ducks out there, and if we do not do something about it, the entire city is going to fall."
"No need to hit me!" Jay yelled, before he got a bamboo staff to the face.

Riding on her motorcycle, (Y/n) was following Lloyd, Misako, and Sensei Wu in the large armored off road weapon. She zoomed by as many warriors as she could while using her staff to whack them in the face. Might as well knock a few down while she had the chance. She pulled up next to Lloyd's parking job, with Misako and Sensei Wu getting out to talk to the Ninja.
"We have to protect the people," Sensei Wu ran over to his students to brief them on the plan. "Gather as many as you can and get them to our evacuation point."
"We've got problems at the evacuation point, guys!" Nya said from the radio and (Y/n)'s helmet. "I can't find a safe place to land!"
"The NGTV office building has a helipad on the roof." Gayle Gossip ran over to Sensei Wu with some valuable information.
"Yes," Sensei Wu was happy to have that information. "Higher ground. Lloyd, tell Nya to head there."
(Y/n) revved the engine of her motorcycle. "I'm going to go around the city to gather as many people as possible and tell them to head to the NGTV station just incase they miss any information. Are you all going to be alright?"
"We'll be alright," Lloyd said. "Just be careful, alright?"
"I always am." She picked up her foot off the ground, and sped off to find any remaining citizens.

(Y/n) sped to the NGTV station with a little girl tightly holding onto her.
"There are more behind us!" She shouted, gripping onto (Y/n)'s waist tightly, kinda knocking the wind out of the poor teen.
"Then we're just going to have to go faster!" (Y/n) put another 10mph on her bike, and zoomed around. "Hold on tight! This is going to be a rough stop!"
Indeed it was. (Y/n) turned the bike to the side while she put her stronger leg out, tipping the bike to the side as she cut the engine, causing them to skid. She was right in front of the barricaded doors. "You kidding me guys?!"
"What are we going to do?" The little girl asked, trying to push the doors open.
"The only thing we can do. We're just going to have to hide." (Y/n) said, starting the engine on her bike once more  and sped off.
"But how are we going to hide if they're everywhere?" The little girl asked.
"The best thing we can do for now is just hide in the shadows," (Y/n) said, zooming past every Stone Warrior she saw while using her staff to whack them in the face. "Where is your home?"
"One of the apartment buildings," The girl pointed towards one of the larger apartment buildings. "In there."
"Alrighty then," (Y/n) sighed, and zoomed into the underground parking garage, and parked closer to the entrance just incase they had to run. She cut the engine once more, and took the key out of the port. "Go to the stairs and open the door slightly. Listen carefully, if you hear roaring, come back immediately."
The little girl nodded, before running over to the stairwell door to check.
(Y/n) hid her bike so the Stone Warriors wouldn't try and find it. Luckily for her, her helmet was still on when she was suddenly hit on the back of the head with a sword. Turning around, it was a single Stone Warrior.
Before the little girl could come back, the creature was quickly rid of, also known as being thrown into a sewer hole and the lid shut tightly.
"What was that growling sounds?" The girl asked.
"Oh nothing," (Y/n) lied, taking her helmet off, and checked it. "Looks like the communication component of my helmet is broken. I can't contact my friends."
"What about a phone?" The little girl asked.
"I don't have one," (Y/n) shook her head. "Anyways, did you hear any growling or roaring?"
The child simply shook her head.
"Perfect. Lead the way to your apartment," (Y/n) pushed the girl towards the stair doors, wanting to get out of an echoey parking garage. "Now."

"So, what's your name?" (Y/n) asked, looking outside the window at the Stone Warriors who were still around. She made sure the lights were off, and there was no indication of life.
"My name is Fiona (sorry if that is your name)," Thank goodness the kid actually has a name. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)," (Y/n) smiled. "You have food, right?"
"Of course," Fiona smiled.
"Good. Cause we're going to need it," (Y/n) looked away from the window and now focused on the kid.

"Where is (Y/n)?" Lloyd asked, running into the ships main room. "She hasn't come back yet."
"I've lost communication with her," Nya said, pointing to the large screen. "Her helmet must be damaged, along with her location chip."
"So, no clues?" Lloyd asked.
Nya shook her head sadly. "No clues..."

OLD VERSION ✾Balance✾ (Lloyd Garmadon x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now