✾Snakes ✾

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    (Y/n) had no interest to know what the boys were up to. All she knows, was that they were all bickering about some kind of prophecy. To say she didn't care much about that, would be an understatement. Currently, (Y/n) was currently outside in the village with Nya. They needed ingredients for dinner that night, and Nya had invited (Y/n) to town.
"What do you think we should pick up?" (Y/n) asked, looking at all the fresh fruits and veggies at one of the stalls.
"We should pick up some meat at some point. Knowing the boys, they're probably going to need it to get their strength back."
"Good point." (Y/n) said, and picked up one of the apples, taking a look to make sure it wasn't rotten or something.
The sounds of screaming and yelling caught both of their ears. Both looked around, seeing the villagers run into their homes and businesses to hide form whatever's was coming.
"Take the candy! Take it all!" Little Garmadon yelled, carrying a large amount of candy in what it appeared to be some kind of one wheeled wagon.
"Nya....snakes!" (Y/n) yelled, seeing blue and yellow snakes emerging from behind Lloyd.
"We gotta run!" Nya yelled, and tried to tug (Y/n) in another direction.
"But the villagers!" (Y/n) complained.
"No time! Besides," She pointed to the snakes hypnotizing some of the people "if we become hypnotized, what good will we be to the others?"
This was going against (Y/n)'s morals, but she just nodded her head in agreement. Nya pulled (Y/n) behind one of the crates, so they could listen to the snakes conversation.
"This makes no sense General. Raiding an entire town, for sssweets?" The snake with legs asked, unsure of his Generals judgement.
"You will do as I command, because I hold the sssstaff!" The General held up a golden staff with a snakes head, and some sort of blue gem right under the chin.
"Nya....we have to get that staff...there might be an antidote within that gem." (Y/n) said, looking at her friend.
"But we can't defeat an army of snakes." Nya mumbled, hoping they wouldn't be heard.
(Y/n) took a peak out from behind the crate to see how many snakes and people there were. Sadly, her eyes had met a pair of red ones. "Run!"

"Nya! You're ok!" Jay said, looking at his crush form the other side of the wagon.
"Barely. They've hypnotized everyone in town. Even worse, (Y/n) got caught when we tried to escape on the roof tops." Nya said.
"Well, isn't that just great?" Cole asked with sarcasm. "Does she even know how to defend herself? We've only seen her every meditate or eat, and all she has is that stupid bamboo staff."
"I'm sure if she was unable to defend herself, Sensei Wu wouldn't have invited her to stay at the Monastery. Besides, I'm sure with only her and her father staying at the Temple of Balance by themselves, they must know self defense." Zane said, making a good point about (Y/n).
"Mind control? How is that possible?" Jay asked, looking over at Kai.
"When you hear them rattle their tails, don't look them in the eyes, that's how they get you." Nya explained the basics of what she observed and how the snakes turn people under their control.
"Well what are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, our guest has been taken as a hostage, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Ha! Perfect." Jay said sarcastically, obviously frustrated at their current situation.
"The snake with the staff is the General, he's the one in charge." Nya explained. "From what (Y/n) told me, if we can get the staff from him, it holds the anti-venom. We get that, we can save everyone."
"Look guys, forget about the whole Green Ninja thing, let's make Sensei proud, the four of us, we're a team." Kai said, trying to lighten the mood of his team.
"Now you're talking." Cole smiled from under his hood.
"Oh, Nya, you can be our honorary member." Jay said, looking over at the black haired girl.
"Jee, thanks." Nya crossed her arms, and then rested her hands on her waist. She sure was feeling like part of the team.

"Why won't she open her eyes?!" The General yelled, referring to (Y/n), who had her hands tied behind her back and her staff was taken away.
"It appears sssshe's not as easy to fool." Scales said, standing behind (Y/n).
"You know, you snakes aren't as intimidating as I thought you were." (Y/n) said, being quite honest. "But you guys do sound as cool as the scrolls used to tell me."
"Ssscroles? What ssscroles?" The General asked, slithering closer to (Y/n).
"Oh nothing." (Y/n) said, and just relaxed. She was sure her friends would come and save the town.
"Hey! That's the girl from earlier!" Lloyd yelled, walking over with his wheel barrel of candy.
"The one who gave you the candy?" The General asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
"Yeah! That's her!" Lloyd came over with his wagon of candy. "Don't hypnotize her, she's one of the nice ones."
Feeling the ropes being loosened around her wrists, (Y/n) just pulled her hands out of the once tight knots, and rubbed her raw wrists. "Is it safe for me to open my eyes now?"
"Yesssss" Scales said.
Opening one eye, (Y/n) was just slightly shorter than Lloyd. "Hello Lloyd Garmadon. It is lovely to see you again."
"Ew. Don't try any of your girl tricks on me." Lloyd gagged.
(Y/n) just tiled her head. "Girl, tricks? I did not know girls had such tricks. I should ask Nya if she knows what those tricks are."
"The ninja!" One snake from about 20 feet away yelled, catching everyone's attention.
She was happy to know her friends were now on their way to come save the town. (Y/n) quickly bent her back back, and kicked up her feet, kicking the General in the face. "You really should not mess with a Temple guardian."
To say the next few minutes was chaos, would be an understatement. (Y/n) was busy trying to keep some of the snakes off of the ninja, while also keeping her eyes closed so that she would not be hypnotized. Grabbing her staff, from an unconscious snake, (Y/n) hit the General on the top of the head, making him turn to her. Cole jumped up from behind (Y/n), and kicked the General, causing him to drop his staff.
"Nice one." (Y/n) smiled, before she ran off when she saw a few snakes still causing a little bit of chaos.

"Now that, was a very unpleasant visit to the town." (Y/n) said, now that everyone was finally at the Monastery. "I was hoping my second visit to the village would be a little more peaceful.
"And we never got the ingredients we needed." Nya joked a little. "But hey, at least we got to kick butt."
"More like you guys did. I was captured, that was not fun." (Y/n) whined a little. "Believe it or not, Lloyd had told the snakes to not hypnotize me."
"What?!" The ninja yelled, baffled. "Why would he request them to do that?"
"Who knows." (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "Now can we please go back to the Monastery? I feel like I could sleep for a little while."
"As long as you train with us tomorrow." Cole said.
"You got it pebbles." (Y/n) smiled a little.
"Oh!" Kai and Jay yelled, before they laughed their butts off.

OLD VERSION ✾Balance✾ (Lloyd Garmadon x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now