✾The Temple of Balance✾

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    Balancing on a bamboo staff, (Y/n) was doing her daily mediation. The staff was perfectly balanced under her one foot, while she had her hands together like someone was praying. Inside her teenage mind (SPOILERS: I kinda consider the main four to be about 17-18, while Lloyd would be about 16 after the Tomorrow's Tea was used), she was watching over the balance of the universe.
    "(Y/n). Can you come down here for a moment?" A familiar voice asked. Opening her eyes (e/c) eyes, (Y/n) kicked the bamboo staff out from under her feet, and landed on the ground with a small thud. The staff did a couple of twirls in the air, before she caught it in her right hand.
    "Is there something wrong, father?" She asked, looking at her 35 (this guy be young) year old father. He was a handsome young man, with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) short hair.
He gave a small smile. "Wu has asked if it would be alright if him and his students could stay at the Temple for a little while.
    "Of course. I shall get a few rooms ready." She gave a small bow, and went inside the Temple of Balance. making sure she took of her black and with gold trimming shoes, and the two gold bracelets around her wrist, (Y/n) started working inside the Temple.

      She was making sure there would be enough rooms for their guests

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    She was making sure there would be enough rooms for their guests. She had prepared at least 5 rooms, all with fresh warm sheets and nice comfortable beds for each person. Fluffy pillows were set onto the beds, while there were fresh candles lighted inside the room, to make everything smell fresh and nice.
      It would be about another hour before Wu and his students would be able to come to the Temple, so (Y/n) started making dinner. With a large temple such as the one she lives in, it was sometime shard to maintain, but with the hard work her father and her put into it, there was no denying the fact (Y/n) was the perfect worker.
      "(Y/n), have you seen anything lately within your visions I should tell Wu about?" Her father asked, setting up the dinner table.
      "Not that I have seen, father." (Y/n) said, putting some of the dumplings into the oven. "The only things I have seen are things the scrolls in the libraries tell us. But I did find something interesting when I looked a little into the future."
      "And what would that be?" Her father asked, looking at her.
    "I saw gold. Gold, pure energy. It was quite strange. I have not seen something that pure of a light before. The last time something was that pure, I believe great grandfather had seen it." (Y/n) said, thinking back to what she had seen. "It was mostly gold, but there was hint of green. I don't know what that is supposed to mean. There are too many things in our library that have green in them, so I have gotten no leads. Maybe it means something good is coming our way."
    "Who knows." (F/n) said, not knowing what his daughter could be talking about. He married into the family, (Y/n)'s mothers side of the family was the one who had those powers of maintaining the balance of the universe and taking a glimpse into the future. 

      "Get a load of this place." A voice said from he gates of the Temple.
    "Sensei, what was this place called again?" The ninja in white asked the older man, wanting to know the name of the place they'll be staying in.
    "This is the Temple of Balance." Sensei Wu said, knocking on the door with his bamboo staff. "This Temple has been around for even longer than when the First Spinjitzu Master. There is a family lineage where the inheritors have the power to tip the balance of good and evil itself. They can take a glimpse into the future and made decisions if they should get involved within the matters of forces no normal human being can control."
    "They sound like they'd be the perfect group to be on our side. We could always use the help of someone in case we get into a horrible situation." The ninja in red said. "Besides, they could basically do our battles for us."
    Sensei Wu hit him on the top of the head. "They can not do that. One simple mistake, and they could destroy the entire balance of this entire reality. The only exception to them tipping the balance in goods favor, is if evil were to tip the balance first."
    "So many restrictions. Now I feel bad for whoever has this power." The ninja in black said.
    The large gate doors opened, and there stood (Y/n) and her father, both in normal clothes instead of their Temple clothes.

    "Wu! It is so good to see you again!" (F/n) smiled, seeing a familiar face

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    "Wu! It is so good to see you again!" (F/n) smiled, seeing a familiar face.
    "(F/N). It is good to see an old friend." Wu smiled, and then looked at (Y/n). "This must be little (Y/n). My, how much you have grown so much."
    "It is good to see you again, Sensei." (Y/n) smiled, giving a bow towards the Sensei. "I am glad to see you have brought some of your students."
    "Whoa!" All four boys yelled. "It's a girl!"
    "It's nice to meet you." (Y/n) smiled at the four. "My name is (Y/n) (L/n). You must be the ninja Sensei has talked about. You are Zane, the master of Ice. You must be Cole, the master of earth. I know you are Kai, the master of Fire. And you must be Jay, the master of Lighting. It is very nice to meet you all."
    "Holy cow she's cute." Cole mumbled.
    "Don't try anything!" (F/n) yelled, hugging his daughter tightly while glaring at the other four boys. "I will not let my daughter be corrupt by some stupid boys!"
"Father, I don't think there is any need for us to be worried about that. The ninja don't seem like the kind of people that would take advantage of someone like that." (Y/n) smiled, patting her father on the head.
"He's scary...." Jay whispered over to his brothers.
"Agreed..." Kai mumbled.
"Please, come inside." (Y/n) said, and lightly pushed her father off of her, and took a step to the side to let their guests come through the gates. "Please make yourselves comfortable."
To say the Temple was impressive to them, would have to be an understatement. The boys looked like they were seeing the inside of a palace. There was a large training area inside the walls of the Temple, while there was also a sitting area. There was a garden to the right, and to the left, there was a walk way to a waterfall behind the Temple.
(Y/n) lead the way inside, and opened the large doors. "This is the main area. Sometimes I train in here with father."
"Whoa!" The boys all looked around the inside of the first floor.
"If you will please take your shoes off." (Y/n) said, taking off her shoes and put them on the wrack. She was now in her dress and black tights. Her shoes were the same ones from her Temple clothes. "I shall give you a tour around our Temple.

After a long tour and showing everyone here they would be staying, everyone was now sitting at the large dinning room table. There was plenty of room for everyone, and a huge spread on the table.
"Thank you!" The boys yelled, and started digging into the food.
"So, (Y/n), have you seen anything in your visions?" Wu asked, not digging into his food just yet.
"I saw the balance was in tact, but I took a small glimpse into the future. I saw gold, pure, energy. There was also a hint of green, but I'm not sure what that means. I've already looked into the scrolls in our archives, but there are too many prophecies with gold and green in them." (Y/n) said, taking a small bite form one of her dumplings, since it was still hot.
"Hm." Was the only thing Wu said, and started eating.

It's been about a week since the ninja and Wu had arrived at the Temple of Balance, and let me say, those boys got comfortable real quick. The rooms were practically destroyed the first night, while the TV in the living room would never be turned off. The fridge was almost all out on the second night, and the training area was a mess. The waterfall was luckily the only place that hasn't been touched by the boys.
"It was great having you all here." (Y/n) smiled, bowing towards the five guests.
"It was our pleasure." Wu smiled. "We would like to invite you to stay at the Monastery for a while. Would that be alright, (F/n)?"
"Of course, Wu." (F/n) smiled. "(Y/n), go pack your bags."
"Yes father." (Y/n) bowed, and went inside the Temple to go pack some of her bags.
(F/n) looked over at Wu. "What is the reason you have invited (Y/n) to the Monastery? Does it have something to do when (Y/n) took a peak into the future?"
Wu just smiled, and shook his head. "Nothing can get past you. Something with (Y/n)'s vision has me thinking about something. I feel like her all seeing eye could help us in the future."
"Please make sure she stays safe. She is the last heir who has this power." (F/n) requested, worried for the safety of his only child.
"Do not worry, (F/n). She will be perfectly safe." Wu smiled
(Y/n) came back, only with a small bag in hand. She hugged her father. "I will write."
"You better." Her father hugged her tightly. He then looked at the four ninja. "If even one of you touches my daughter, I will make sure I bring all of the evil in this world and sick it upon you."
    The four ninjas gulped. "Yes sir!" And they ran for it, not wanting to stick around for when (F/n) starts making rules for them to follow with (Y/n) now being around.
    "Bye father!" (Y/n) yelled, and ran after them, with Wu following, without running.

OLD VERSION ✾Balance✾ (Lloyd Garmadon x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now