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    Waiting out on deck, (Y/n) kept an eye out for the mailman. She was expecting a package for Sensei and a letter she had to give him, along receive a letter from the Village of Balance, the small village where Alex had helped (Y/n)'s recovery.
    The Temple Guardian had to admit, she kinda missed the town. It was a lively town during the day, and it was peaceful during the night. The village of Balance was always so nice. The sun would shine brightly all the time, its light would never diminish. The moon would light up the streets, and protected the village for creatures of the night that hated moonlight.
    "Thinking about the people?" Sensei Wu asked, coming over to (Y/n) with his bamboo staff in hand.
    "Of course. I worry about us leaving Ninjago City to go after the snakes, I also worry for the villagers that live below the mountain where my Temple used to stand. I worry for my father, since he is still hypnotized by the Hypnobri, doesn't have too much knowledge form those scrolls." (Y/n) sighed, resting her elbows on the railing of the ship. "I know how good my father is, but his knowledge of the scrolls and legends is next to nothing. What could they possibly want with him?"
    "There might be more to your father, than meets they eye." Sensei Wu said, standing next to (Y/n). "I promise you, we shall retrieve your father as soon as we can."
    "Thank you, Sensei." (Y/n) looked over to the older man, and gave him a smile.
    "Wait! Slow down! I have a letter for (Y/n) (L/n) and a package for Sensei Wu!" The mailman was riding a bike that would flap some make shift wings.
    (Y/n) waved. Flying next to the ship, the mailman exchanged the package and letter with (Y/n), who gave him her letter. Reaching into her Temple robes, (Y/n) took out some money, and gave it to him.
    "Thank you for your hard work!" (Y/n) said, waving goodbye to the mailman, who started flying back to wherever he needed to go, or to his next destination.
    Handing the package to Sensei Wu, (Y/n) had looked at the return address. "It's from Alex."
    "The boy from the Village?" Sensei Wu asked, walking to the dining room with (Y/n).
    (Y/n) nodded. "His grandfather was the one who had helped me recover when my ankle was shattered from the fire. I had asked Alex to ask the villagers to please start rebuilding the Temple. It could be used as a base for all of us. Besides, where else could would the villagers hide when they are attacked?"
    "I see your point." Sensei Wu said, and opened the door with his package in his hands.
    (Y/n) sat down next to Jay, reading the letter Alex had sent her.

    Hey (Y/n)!

    Alex here! Just wanted to tell you how the village is currently doing. Everyone is doing very well, the children tend to go to the Temples burned down area, playing. We've had to put up some wood gates so they wouldn't try and play in the ashes. We are all currently gathering up the larger piles and putting them in a jar, maybe that could be a little thing to put in the main entry way, so that your old home is with you all the time.
    Anyways, wood, stone, cement, and brick are currently being gathered to start the frame of the new Temple. It'll be bigger, better, and stronger. I'm sure you've already sent over some blue prints or some designs that you had come up with, considering you always draw the new designs since you had stayed at our home. We are hopping that we can make some stronger walls so if the village is under attack, we can hide away inside the Temple's gates for protection until the threat is either gone, or you come back.
    I hope you have found your father. I am sorry again, that we could not find him.We have also heard nothing about your father being around the village, nor anything about the snakes. I am sorry again.
    Anyways, how have you been? How are the ninja doing? How's that boy you were talking about? What was his name again....Lloyd? I think that was the name you had said last time we had talked. How's that flying ship, not gettin sea...air...whatever it is sick. Are you doing your daily stretching excursuses for your ankle? Are you taking pain medication if your ankle starts to hurt? You're not running and jumping all the time right? Not falling from anywhere too high, right? Oh jeez I'm sorry, I probably asked way too many questions and letters to you. I'm sorry.
    I hope you and the ninja are doing alright. I'm sure you are, you're the Master of Balance. Hope to receive a letter from you soon.

OLD VERSION ✾Balance✾ (Lloyd Garmadon x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now