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Just like (Y/n) had promised, she was training with the boys. Jay was working on using the Nunchucks of Lightning, Cole was working on his use of the scythe, Kai was working on his Spinjitzu, and Zane was meditating. (Y/n) was currently meditating with Zane, since she had already practiced with Kai and Cole.
"Zane, I think I shall go practice with Jay now. It was lovely mediating with you." (Y/n) smiled, before she stood up, and grabbed her staff from next to her. She walked over to Jay, staff in hand. "Jay, would you like to spar with me?"
"Sure, but don't expect me to go easy on you just because you are a girl." Jay teased. "Weapons or no weapons?"
"Weapons. I would like to see your control over your weapon." (Y/n) smiled, and held her bamboo staff in her hand, getting into a defensive stance.

    Before they could even start, Zane suddenly jumped between the two, causing them to look in his direction for a while

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Before they could even start, Zane suddenly jumped between the two, causing them to look in his direction for a while. They just watched as he took Coles scythe and cut a dummy, and used his Spinjitzu to freeze the floor. (Y/n) jumped when the ice came under her feet, and she put the staff down, and landed on it, perfectly balanced.
    "Quite impressive." (Y/n) clapped her hands with a small smile.
    "Thank you." Zane smiled from under his hood.
    (Y/n) hopped off of her staff, landed on the ice. Her feet came out from under her, and (Y/n) landed right onto her back. "Ow!"
    "Are you ok?" Cole asked, coming over and offered (Y/n) a hand. "You know, with someone who can balance on a bamboo staff with only one foot for hours with perfect balance, you sure a cults on the ice."
    "I'm alright. Thank you Cole." She smiled, and took his hand, getting back onto her feet. "I never really went ice skating, we usually got rid of the ice around the Temple so guests wouldn't fall over, or my dad. He hurt his back once when he slipped on the ice."
Cole held in laughter. "Oh wow."
The doorbell to the Monastery's gates had went off, and that was an indication that the mail had arrived. Kai, Jay, and Cole all ran over to the double doors, while (Y/n) went inside to get a letter she had written to her father, answering his last letter that had arrived yesterday.
    "Ugh. Let's see." The mail man said, tired from having to climb all those stairs. He reached into his back pack, and started pulling out mail for everyone. "A letter from Jay's parents, Kai has a fan letter, oh, and something from Cole's father."
    "What, no package?" Cole asked. "I'm expecting something from Creatures Beasts and Beyond."
    "No, nothing from...ah! Here it is!" The mailman took a look in his bag, and found the package for Cole, who took it with happiness.
    "Rocky's gonna love this!" Cole smiled, and left to open the package.
    (Y/n) came out with a letter addressed to the Temple of Balance for her father. "Hello."
    "Hello there." The mailman smiled, and reached into his bag, pulling out a letter. "I was surprised to see there was another letter addressed to you from your father. I had already delivered yesterday's letter, but this one must be important if he sent one the very next day."
    "Yesterday?" (Y/n) asked, and exchanged the letters. She gave her's to the mailman, and he gave her fathers to her. "Thank you."
    "You're welcome dear." The mailman smiled, and started making his trip back down the mountain.
    "A letter from your father already?" Sensei Wu asked, walking over to the group.    "Apparently. I wonder what could be so important that he sends a second letter so soon." (Y/n) opened the letter, and started reading it.
    "Hey Zane, how come we never hear anything form your parents?" Jay asked.
    "I don't remember my parents. I've been an orphan all of my life." Zane said.
    "You mean you've never had a home?" Kai asked.
    Zane just shook his head.
    "The Monastery is your home now." Sensei Wu said, trying to help cheer Zane up.
    Zane instead just left to his room, not saying a word.
    "Sensei, I have to get going." (Y/n) said, handing the letter to Sensei Wu. "It appears father needs me for some important guests. I hope to be back soon."
    "I wonder who this special guest is." Sensei Wu said, and watched as (Y/n) had left the Monastery in a rush, with one of her bags on her shoulder, and her staff in her other hand.

    It's been about 2 days since (Y/n) left the Monastery, and she had arrived to the Temple of Balance. It was all in tact, so at least she didn't have to worry about her father and the Temple being in danger. Running over, (Y/n) went to the gates, and pushed the doors open.
    "Father!" (Y/n) yelled, looking around. Her dad was usually around. "Father! I have arrived!"
    "(Y/n), honey." (F/n) came out from the main Temple Doors. He seemed a little off, especially since he was wearing sunglasses. He never, wears sunglasses. "You've arrived. I'm happy to see you are back."
    "Father, why are you wearing such strange glasses upon your eyes?" (Y/n) questioned.
    "Oh, you know me, age takes away your sight." He said, walking towards his daughter. "How was the Monastery?"
    "It was fun. I got to fight snakes." (Y/n) said, backing away slightly from her father.
    "Really? The Hypnobri, correct?" (F/n) asked.
    "I never mentioned what kind of snake it was." (Y/n) said, and hit her father on the head with her staff.
    That hit knocked his glasses off, which caused him to show his eyes. They were red, but they looked like there were swells. He was under the control of the snakes.
    "Father!" (Y/n) yelled, trying to reach her father. "Snap out of it! You're being controlled!"
    A fire had started within the Temple. (Y/n) ran inside, trying to find the outsource of the fire. The smoke started to fog up the entire main entrance, which caused (Y/n) to cough. This was not what she was hoping for.
    "The flute!" (Y/n) yelled, remembering where her father kept a Sacred Flute.
    Running to the library, (Y/n) quickly tore up some of the floor boards, her hands getting cut in the process. Reaching inside, she grabbed the old wooden flute, pulling it out from the boards.
    One of the support beams fell, and landed on top of (Y/n)'s ankle. She groaned out in pain, holding onto the flute tightly. Groaning once again in pain, (Y/n) used her other foot, and pushed the board off of her ankle. It was twisted the wrong way, no way a human beings body should twist.
    Crawling out of the library, (Y/n) was now outside. Her father was gone, and her home was being burnt around her. She had inhaled too much smoke, and with her broken ankle, the most (Y/n) could do was just try and crawl out of the Temple, but she had instead just passed out, as everything around her had burned.

OLD VERSION ✾Balance✾ (Lloyd Garmadon x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now