✾Pressure ✾

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    Even though this story is following the main plot, there are going to be points where some of the legends, prophecies, and some history are going to be changed just a little. Just a heads up. Cya!

"The Devourer's venom has awaken him!" Zane said, concluding that the venom was the reason the Warrior was now awake, just like the merchandise at the gift shop.
"Oh, great." Cole groaned. "Kai, take care of him."
"Uh, me?" Kai asked nervously. "Ok block head!"
"I wouldn't-" (Y/n) was cut off as Kai ran towards the Stone Warrior with his sword in hand. He jumped up, trying to strike the warrior with his blade, only to be knocked back. "Do that..."
"Well..." Kai landed on his butt and looked at his broken sword. "In my mind's eye, I saw that playing out entirely differently." He was suddenly picked up by the Warrior, and was dangled upside down.
"The Overloard created his Stone Army form an indescribable material only found on the Dark island!" Misako gave a small history lesson.
    "You could have mentioned that earlier!" Kai screamed, before he was flung backwards, yelling in the entire time he was in the air, and crashed into some of the larger vases, shattering them.
    "Oh that looks like it's going to hurt in the morning..." (Y/n) mumbled, wincing slightly for her friends pain.
    "Lloyd, use your powers." Sensei Wu looked over to his nephew.
    Lloyd closed his eyes, and brought his hands together. He started to concentrate, when a large ball of green energy started to build up into his hands. He used the energy like a beam, and struck the Stone Warrior, causing a bright flash of green and green flames to burn.
    The remaining Ninja, Misako, and Sensei Wu gave praise and cheers for him.
    "I don't think we should celebrate just yet..." (Y/n) mumbled, still sensing the pretense of the Stone Warrior. If it was truly defeated, she would have felt a shift in the balance more towards the scale of good, but it hasn't changed.
    And there he was, the Stone Warrior showing his face through the green flames. It was speaking something, something no one could really understand.
    "Wait a minute." Cole said, backing up. "How are we supposed to destroy this thing?"
    "Grandfathers entries have never said how to destroy them." (Y/n) mumbled, backing up a little as well.
    "You can't." Misako mumbled, her hands on Lloyd's left shoulder as she was stepping back with her son.
    "Oh crud." (Y/n) mumbled.
    The Stone Warrior started stomping out the flames to make it easier for his passing. Zane, Jay, Cole, and (Y/n) all got their weapons out as they charged towards the Warrior. Cole was the first to strike, and the first to be hit away. Jay tried to charge at the Warrior with his nunchucks, but he got whacked away as well. Landing on his back, Jay screamed as he saw the Stone warrior was about to stomp on him, before he dodged, and retreated a little.
    "He, he. Easy big guy, maybe this is a sign you need to lose a few pounds." Jay said, trying to joke to hid the sheer fact he was a terrified little boy right now. "He, he."
    "Oh jeez." (Y/n) face palmed, dodging the large swords the Stone Warrior swung. She couldn't land a clean hit onto the swords he carried. Just like everything, there is a balance between strength and weakness. If you know just the right spot to hit, you can shatter the swords, but there was 3 coming right at her from all different angels. Jumping up, she kicked the Stone Warrior in the face, and pushed herself back, flying towards Lloyd and Sensei Wu, landing on her bamboo staff with her perfect balance. "Jay, I really suggest you do not act like a comedian right now, and help us focus on defeating this thing somehow."
    "Well excuse me but I am trying to-" Jay was cut off when he got hit by the warrior, and was sent flying. He skidded towards the bottomless pit, just barely getting his head over the edge. "Close call."
    Sensei Wu ran over to help his student get away from the pit, and not fall down by accident, considering Jay freaks out at the funniest times.
    Zane jumped up, and tried to kick the Warrior in the chest, but he instead was knocked back, and landed on his back. "I do not understand. How were you able to land such a clean hit on him?"
    "If you can find the weakness, that will become your strength." (Y/n) said, throwing a stone right at where she had kicked the Warrior. The Warrior shook his head to get the pain from the impact away.
    One by one, everyone was thrown out of the room by the Warrior, all except for (Y/n).
    "Oh no." (Y/n) squeaked. Even though she had perfect balance, she was kinda cornered at the bottomless pit.
    For some reason, the Stone Warrior didn't attack her. "Didn't this thing just attack me a second ago? Why isn't it attacking now?"
    "(Y/n)!" Lloyd yelled, standing at the doorway.
    "Lloyd! Run!" She yelled, and watched as the Stone Warrior suddenly ran after Lloyd and the others. This was defiantly now what she was hoping for. She ran after them, watching as the warrior tried killing her friends.
    They went to the second floor, entering more exhibits. The ninja closed the doors, and closed themselves into one of the wings. The doors were closed, and the warrior continued to try and break the doors down, already making a large chip so he could see.
    "Hey! Stop that! Leave them be!" (Y/n) yelled, jumping up and down along with waving her hands from side to side, trying to give her friends a chance to escape.
    The Stone Warrior ignored her.
    "Excuse me! But it is very rude to ignore someone who is trying to talk to you!" (Y/n) yelled again, grabbing one of the artifacts, and chucked it right at the Stone Warrior, who just ignored her again.
    "Why is that thing not trying to attack (Y/n)?" Cole asked, watching as the shattered pieces of some artifacts were flying behind the Stone Warrior.
"Maybe it has something to do with (Y/n)'s grandfather." Misako said.
"Her grandpa?" Cole asked. "What does her grandpa have anything to do with this? He's dead."
"It's a possibility that the Overloard had told his stone Warriors to catch him and his lineage alive, to force them into tipping the balance into the favor of evil." Misako explained. "It must not be attacking her or chasing after her because it's trying to get any threats out of the way before bringing her to the Overloard."
"That kinda makes sense...." Jay mumbled.
"Well, what are we supposed to do?" Kai asked.
"Rock, Paper, Clamp." Jay suggested. "loser has to face him, so the rest can escape."
The main four put their hands in, while Lloyd had tried to put his hand in as well, but Jay swatted him away.
"Uh-uh! Not you, Chosen One." Jay denied.
"Guys! You might wanna hurry with whatever plan you have in mind! Cause your door isn't going to last much longer!" (Y/n) yelled from the back of the Stone Warrior's head, still trying to get his attention to let the others escape.
"On three." Kai said.
"Wait a minute!" Lloyd interjected. "That's it!"
"What's it?" Sensei Wu asked.
"If you guys can keep him busy, I think I know how to stop him." Lloyd looked at his brothers.
"I say we give the kid a shot." Cole said, after his team looked at him.
"You're just saying that 'cause you're too afraid to face him." Jay shot.
"Do you wanna face it?" Cole asked.
Taking a good look at the Stone Warrior who continued to try and break down the door, Jay made his decision. "I say we give the kid a shot."
Lloyd found an entrance to the vent system, and crawled in.
"Guys! Hurry!" (Y/n) yelled, and she was suddenly thrown off of the Stone Warriors head, since the jerking and sudden stops started to fling her around."Ow!"
"(Y/n)! Are you ok!?" Zane asked from the other side of the door.
"I'm alright!" (Y/n) give a thumbs up. "Just a bit of a fall!"
"Ptss!" Lloyd said from around the corner. "(Y/n)! Over here!"
(Y/n) got up, and looked behind her, seeing her friend. She got up, and ran over to him as quick as she could. "Lloyd! How'd you get out?"
"I sneaked out using one of the vents. But look, I need you help." Lloyd grabbed her hand, and ran back to the room with the bottomless pit.

"I hope this works..." (Y/n) mumbled, putting the finishing touches on the paper over the bottomless pit.
"Of course it's going to work. I came up with the plan." Lloyd boasted.
"That's why I'm hoping." (Y/n) teased the physically 16 year old boy.
"Hey!" Lloyd shouted, half offended and half laughing.
"I can hear the Stone Warrior's foot steps." (Y/n) mumbled.
"Over here!" Lloyd waved his arms around, getting Misako's attention.
"Lloyd!" Misako yelled, and ran into the room where her son was. She hid behind him, while (Y/n) stood next to Misako with her staff in hand.
"Hey loser!" Lloyd yelled. "Paper beats rock!"
The Stone Warrior ran after the three, and swung his sword. Lloyd grabbed his mom, and jumped to the right, avoiding him. (Y/n) jumped up, kicked the sword down, and pushed herself up, before landing on the floor near some glue buckets. The Stone Warrior's momentum, and (Y/n)'s change in his momentum, sent him forward, and broke through the paper from the floor, falling down.
"Of course. The bottomless pit." Misako walked over to the edge of the pit with Lloyd.
(Y/n) closed her eyes, and looked at the scale. The scale tipped back to the side of good, but it was still in evils favor, more than before.
"How does the balance look?" Cole asked, walking over to his friend.
"The Stone Warrior's presence has tipped the scale back towards good, but it is still on evils side, more than before." (Y/n) said, still looking at the scale.
"So that means something else has happened, right?" Kai asked.
"I'm afraid so..." (Y/n) mumbled, opening her eyes.
"Stay with us. Help us fight the good fight." Sensei Wu said to Misako, who was just finished hugging her son.
"If that's ok with my son." She smiled, looking at the blonde boy, who nodded.
"Hey." He smiled. "The more the merrier."

(Y/n) started using her all seeing eye to find anything that could possibly cause this change. But as she looked, evils scale started to up more up, being in it's favor. Good was still going down, not being in it's favor. "The Dark Island..."
"What was that?" Lloyd asked from the dinner table.
(Y/n) opened her eyes, and looked at him, and her friends who were also sitting down at the dinner table of the Bounty. "Nothing. It is nothing."
"You sure?" Cole asked.
"Yeah." (Y/n) said, and got up from the table. "Excuse me. I am feeling tired. Goodnight everyone." And she left the dinning room to go to her room.
"Is she alright?" Nya asked.
"She might have a lot on her plate right now." Sensei Wu said. "She's probably investigating whatever has caused her sudden seclusion. Whatever it may be, I don't believe it is going to be a good thing. Let her focus, she needs the time to get her her information before telling us anything."
"But isn't doing things by herself not going to help her?" Kai asked.
"I don't believe you would be able to understand the amount of pressure her family carries." Misako said, looking at the kids. "People who are born into her family have their fates set for them. They either tip the balance for good, making evils power weaker and weaker, or they tip it into evils favor, bringing all of good down to it's knees. And then, there are people like (Y/n), who can not make a simple mistake of one side being stronger than the other. Her destiny says that she can not interfere unless one side becomes too powerful, but that time has not come. You must give her time, she is trying to not do anything rash and jump in to tip the balance back to good."
The ninja looked at one another.
"Sounds like she has more on her plate than me." Lloyd mumbled. "I'm supposed to defeat my own father, but she has to maintain the balance of everything? She can't even help me."
"It is alright, nephew." Sensei Wu said. "She will know when the time is right. Just give her a little bit of time, and she will open up."
"Girls are weird." Cole mumbled.
"Hey." Nya crossed her arms.
"What? It's true." Cole said.
"Girls are complicated, and boys are complicated. Let's just leave it at that." Misako smiled.
(Y/n) sat in her room, looking into the future. All she could still see was the strange dragon like creature, and gold. Nothing was making sense to her right now. Nothing from her grandfather or her mothers journal entries were helping, or was anything from as far back as the first Master of Balance was helping. She opened her eyes, and laid down, deciding that she should clear her head from these frustrating thoughts, and sleep.

I am so sorry for not updating. I've been busy with school work, then I've been doing SAT testing, college drawing, all that good stuff. I'm dead, so I'm going to go back to sleep. Bye bye guys.

OLD VERSION ✾Balance✾ (Lloyd Garmadon x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now