Chapter 36: Always Love

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September 1st, 2032
Wednesday, 6:35am - Cabello Mansion, Miami Beach, FL

Woken up to ominous bells beside her head, Lauren shut off the alarm in a timely fashion with her eyes closed. The immediate response to greeting a new day, while some didn't make it, was a prolonged groan and a tiny cry. Scratch that, a positive attitude would do her good. Lauren rolled over onto her belly and hugged the pillow, lying face down to inhale the distinct scent of floral detergent and Camila's lemon perfume that lingered on the case. A moment later, Lauren checked the time and was out of bed to jump right into the shower in Camila's bedroom.

This was routine: wake up at the same time, shower for eight minutes, blow out her hair so it'd dry faster and let it remain undone as she changed into a a simple Adidas t-shirt and sweats as her P.E. teacher/Soccer coach uniform, conceal up the darkness beneath her eyes and liven up her face with black liner and red lips, prepare her gym bag for the day amongst other needed items, then go and wake up her daughters. Or rather Catalina.

As usual, Blaire was up in the darkness, staring into space with her hands on her lap and crazy curly hair everywhere. Lauren kissed her good morning and softly told her to pick out what she wanted to wear. Then she travelled across the hall and inhaled a fortifying breath. She twisted the door knob and made sure the handy whistle around her neck was ready to use. Lauren walked over toys not put back in the toy boxes and got down on her knees to gently shake Catalina awake.

"Cata. Cata, my love, wake up. Despiertate, Catalina," she said above a murmur. Catalina groaned and shrugged her off. "Come on, it's time to get ready for school. You don't wanna be late."

"Mommy, I can't find my socks," Blaire whispered by the doorway. Lauren huffed through her nose.

"I'll help you look for them in a moment. Go back to your room and put on your special headphones," Lauren put the whistle between her lips and rose to her feet. Blaire practically ran away, racing her mother who would let it rip once she reached the lights. Lauren gave Blaire five seconds before she took a deep breath then blew the whistle with all her might at the same time she switched the lights on.

"Ahhh!!" shrieked Catalina, jolting awake with her palms covering her poor little ears. The bright lights hurt her eyes, so she squeezed them shut.

"Up, up, up, up! Let's go! Time to start the day, get ready for school! Get up, get up, get up!" Lauren clapped her hands obnoxiously. She opened the drawers, "Pick out your clothes and go brush your teeth. Do potty. Handle your business."

"That's so unnecessary," Catalina grumbled. She thought ever since Lauren got that whistle, she didn't know how to act anymore.

"Sure, if that's how you feel. You still have to get ready, so do it. Let's go, princess!" Lauren returned to Blaire's room to help her with her socks situation.

This part of her routine took about ten minutes or so, leading into 7:05am. Lauren joined them in the large common bathroom and had them stand in front of the expansive mirror as she did their hair the way they wanted it to look; Blaire liked to keep her curls moisturised with a strong hold, Catalina saw Lauren's hair was in a neat ponytail and wanted the same thing. She always said it was better for them to get dressed first, bright and early, that way they'd have plenty of free time to relax or eat without rushing.

"What do you two want for breakfast?" Lauren addressed from the kitchen as they sat on the sofa chairs in the lounge, watching early morning cartoons.

"Cereal. Pops," said Catalina.

"Same," said Blaire.

"Same what? Same as your sister?"

"No, the same I had yesterday. Eggos and apple juice."

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