Chapter 3: Are You Finished Now, Mi Amor?

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A/N: Quick warning. The angst in this part of the trilogy is real, guys. And I mean fucking heart wrenching. Camren will still be endgame, obviously, but get ready for some scares and to feel doubt. It's like the beginning of NWJS, you're gonna be mad for a while. But there are some good parts coming your way, too! I will also provide some flashbacks.


March 3rd, 2032
Sunday, 9:22am - Manhattan, New York

"Don't forget, send in your essays over humanity amidst cruelty in John Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath' on Tuesday. I need every paper to be over five thousand words this time. And if you can go even higher, great. But I don't want to hear any excuses about why you couldn't meet the mark, as there are a lot to discuss. Class dismissed," Sabrina's voice projected to her college students at Columbia. She hated that too many of them took on English lit on a Sunday but she couldn't blame them; majority had free time today from their jobs that paid for their education and housing.

"Later, Ms. Tonkin!" said Shanese, one of her favourite students, with a wave.

"Have a good day, Shanese," Sabrina flashed a tight lipped smile as she gathered her folders and notes from her desk. While the lecture hall cleared out, Sabrina turned off the electronic white board and closed her laptop. She rushed around the room to pack up and leave so she could make a quick stop to her apartment, catch a cab, and make it to the airport in time to catch her flight to Miami.

Danielle, her long-term girlfriend of six years, entered the empty classroom—not in a chipper way like she usually did each time she was in the city. Danielle's vibe had a gloomy feel to it. She studied Sabrina's rushed movements and felt deep gratitude that her girlfriend was much too distracted to notice and pay her any mind; this gave her time to prepare all over again.

"Hi there," said the famous actress before Sabrina had the chance to look up. Her hands were jammed inside the pockets of her black and white plaid winter coat as she remained in position at the top of the stairs—the last row in the seating chart.

"Hey," Sabrina beamed. She finished stuffing her laptop and her binder into her over-the-shoulder bag, then put on her coat and scarf. "I didn't know you were back today, I would've called you and invited you out to Miami with me in advance. Camila's birthday is today and I figured why not go and make an appearance? I haven't seen the girl in a year...or my God children," Sabrina went on, multi-tasking bundling up for the cold weather and paying attention to her girlfriend. "I miss them. Plus, Lauren's been a little crazy. She needs a good smack in the face—or so everybody else tells me but her. Would the be something you're interested in—"

"I came here because I have something to tell you," Danielle cut her off. Sabrina stopped and furrowed her eyebrows, growing anxious over that particular statement.

"Okay... Go on..." Sabrina took caution as she slowly hiked up the steps.

"Look, there's no simple way to put this and I'd rather not beat around the bush because I'm on a tight schedule. But I just thought you deserved better to hear it in person rather than through text or a phone call," Danielle took a deep breath and nearly crumbled when she saw the knowing look on Sabrina's face. The Aussie was already tense and on the verge of crying. "I'm breaking up with you. I'm not happy anymore and we've...we've grown apart lately and I just don't have it in me to hang on any longer because I'm scared of hurting your feelings. I'm sorry."

Sabrina cracked a sad smile although her lips quivered and the tears in her eyes blinded her vision. She looked the other way and pressed her lips together, sniffling only once. Sabrina nodded her head and scuffed her feet against the floor, now shifting her weight from one foot to the other. She's already had a long week: she lost a month's worth of footage for her youtube channel on daily vlogs and highly anticipated events she's frequented around the city, her car was broken into, her mental health was slowly deteriorating but she had to keep strong in order to continue working, she misplaced two hundred bucks for food and now she was starving, and she started having multiple panic attacks throughout the days that kept her from sleeping. A breakup with her 'favourite person' was JUST what she needed.

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